Archiv der Kategorie: Faktorinvesting

Return on sustainability illustration from Pixabay by mageephoto

Return on sustainability: Researchpost 210

Return on sustainability illustration from pIxabay by mageephoto

14x new research on decarbon-now, biodiversity-climate interaction, green investment gap, regulation benefits, ESG literature overview, ESG disclosure effects, confusing supplier ESG, climate bond potential, water costs, return on sustainability, low-beta outperformance, active ETF benefits, trend-following and investment AI problems (#shows the number of SSRN full paper downloads as of Jan. 23rd, 2025: A low number shows a high news-potential).

Social and ecological research

Decarbon-now: Climate Transition: Why Decarbonize Now Not Later? A Literature Review from An Asset Owner Perspective by Wendy Fang, Skye King, Michael Mi, Mohamed Noureldin, Ben Squires, Eliza Wu, and Jing Yu as of Jan. 9th, 2025 (#39): “… Integrating insights from climate science, economics, and finance, we present three key angles: (1) Scientific evidence demands urgent action to avert irreversible damage from exceeding 1.5◦C global warming. (2) Economic models may underestimate climate impacts by not fully accounting for systemic shocks, nonlinearities, and tipping points. (3) Asset pricing theory predicts a higher carbon premium (higher cost of capital for high-climate-risk assets), yet empirical evidence shows that green assets outperform brown counterparts, especially in recent years. We reconcile this debate by arguing that markets have not fully priced in climate risks; investors’ underestimation of the urgency and magnitude of damage leads to complacency and inaction, exacerbating irreversible physical risks in a feedback loop. Thus, expecting a carbon premium is unwarranted until equilibrium is reached …“ (abstract).

Intertwined risks: Nature Loss and Climate Change: The Twin-Crises Multiplier by Stefano Giglio, Theresa Kuchler, Johannes Stroebel, Olivier Wang as of Jan. 2025: “We study the economic effects of the interaction of nature loss and climate change in a model that incorporates important aspects of both processes. We capture the distinct ways in which they affect economic activity—with nature constituting a key factor of production and climate change destroying parts of output—but also the ways in which they interact: climate change causes nature loss, and nature provides both a carbon sink and adaptation tools to reduce climate damages. Our analysis of these feedback loops reveals a novel amplification channel—the Twin-Crises Multiplier—that systematically affects optimal climate and nature conservation policies” (abstract).

Green investment gap: Investing in Europe’s green future – Green investment needs, outlook and obstacles to funding the gap by Carolin Nerlich and many more from the European Central Bank as of Jan. 10th, 2025 (#59): “The green transition of the EU economy will require substantial investment to 2030 and beyond. Estimates … all point to a requirement for faster and more ambitious action. Green investment will need to be financed primarily by the private sector. … capital markets need to deepen further, especially to support innovation financing. Progress on the capital markets union would support the green transition. Public funds will be vital to complement and de-risk private green investment. Structural reforms and enhanced business conditions should be tailored to encourage firms, households and investors to step up their green investment activities” (abstract).

Regulation benefits: More Constraints, More Consensus? How Regulation Shapes Investor Information Asymmetry by John M. Barrios, Zachary R. Kaplan, and Yongzhao Vincent Lin as of Nov. 23rd, 2024 (#144): “We examine the relation between product market regulation (PMR) and information asymmetry among investors. … greater PMR significantly reduces bid-ask spreads and insider trading. This reduction in information asymmetry is driven by decreased operating profit volatility, which lowers uncertainty about firm operations. However, the impact of PMR diminishes when government commitment to regulation is weak, particularly during periods of elevated economic policy uncertainty or among politically active firms capable of strategically influencing regulation …” (abstract).

ESG investment research (in: Return on sustainability)

ESG overview: A Review on ESG Investing by Javier Vidal-García and Marta Vidal as of Jan. 11th, 2025 (#86): “The overall results show significant heterogeneity, evidencing three predominant positions: some research suggests that ESG investments outperform conventional ones, others indicate a lower performance for ESG, implying a premium paid for sustainability criteria, and a third position indicates an equivalence in performance between the two. These discrepancies are attributed to the period analyzed, the sample, the statistical methodology, the culture and the ESG rating provider” (p. 25/26). My comment: If the performance is similar, why invest traditionally instead of sustainably?

ESG disclosure effects: Profit or Planet? Both! ESG Drivers of Efficient Portfolios and the Costs of Disclosure by Nico Rosamilia as of Jan. 2nd, 2025 (#13): “This study integrates the ESG variables in the five-factor asset pricing model by Fama and French and a model-free methodology represented by machine learning. The markets‘ main focus for the governance pillar relates to board characteristics and functions. The social pillar shows the significance of employee-related issues, while greenhouse emissions for the environmental pillar. The machine learning results provide the main drivers yielding the excess returns of the best sustainable portfolios. Finally, we test the ESG prediction power of fundamentals and find that ESG disclosure diverts company resources toward long-term sustainable investment over investment for profitability in the short term“ (abstract).

Confusing supplier ESG? ESG Alignment and Supply Chain Dynamics: Evidence from U.S. Customer-Supplier Relationships by Stefan Hirth and Sai Palepu as of Jan. 15th, 2025 (#21): “We study the role of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) alignment in shaping customer-supplier relationships within U.S. supply chains. … we find that major customers significantly influence supplier ESG performance, with a 6.9% increase linked to one unit increase in the major customer ESG scores. Positive ESG divergence, where a supplier outperforms its major customer, increases the likelihood of relationship termination by 18.1% …. Replacement suppliers generally exhibit higher ESG ratings than their predecessors …” (abstract). My comment: The “positive ESG divergence” confuses me, because I don’t expect suppliers to stop selling to lower-ESG customers and neither I expect customers stop buying from higher-ESG suppliers. My supplier activities see Supplier engagement – Opinion post #211 – Responsible Investment Research Blog

SDG investment research

Climate bond potential: Climate-linked bonds by Dirk Broeders, Daniel Dimitrov, and Niek Verhoeven from the European Central Bank as of Jan. 10th, 2025 (#68): “Climate-linked bonds, issued by governments and supranational organizations, are pivotal in advancing towards a net-zero economy. These bonds adjust their payoffs based on climate variables such as average temperature and greenhouse gas emissions, providing investors a hedge against long-term climate risks. … The price differential between climate-linked bonds and nominal bonds reflects market expectations of climate risks. This paper introduces a model of climate risk hedging and estimates that approximately three percent of government debt in major economies could be converted into climate-linked bonds” (abstract).

Water opportunity costs: The Pricing of Water Usage by Adrian Fernandez-Perez, Ivan Indriawan and Yiuman Tse as of Jan. 14th, 2025 (#61) “…we examine the relationship between firms’ water usage and stock returns. Our analysis shows a negative relationship between water usage and excess returns, with high-water-usage firms generating lower returns compared to their industry peers. This effect is stronger in high-water-consumption sectors like mining and manufacturing. We also find a positive link between water usage and operating costs …” (abstract).

Return on sustainability: The Sustainability Dividend: A Primer on Sustainability ROI by Matteo Tonello as of January 4th,2025: “… companies face growing pressure to determine the return on investment (ROI) of their sustainability efforts, a critical factor in gaining stakeholder trust and ensuring long-term success. This report highlights insights from a series of Member roundtables and polls, discusses the current state of sustainability ROI, and provides guidance for companies to get started. … Few companies are capitalizing on the power of authentic and transparent sustainability communication to showcase their sustainability results and gain internal and stakeholder support for sustainability“ (p. 2).

Other investment research (in: Return on sustainability)

Low-beta outperformance? Persistence in Alphas without Persistence in Skill by Sina Ehsani and Juhani Linnainmaa as of Jan. 8th, 2025 (#33): “The persistence of mutual fund alphas is often viewed as evidence that some funds possess skill and that this skill persists. … high-alpha funds are predominantly low-beta funds and vice versa. Thus, a strategy of investing in high-alpha funds benefits not from skill, but from a betting-against-multiple-betas effect …” (abstract).

Active ETF (AETF) benefits: ETFs as a disciplinary device by Yuet Chau, Karamfil Todorov and Eyub Yegen as of Jan. 6th, 2025 (#126): “… Unlike mutual fund shares, ETF shares can be shorted, which enables investors to bet against manager performance. We show that AETFs exhibit over five times greater flow-performance sensitivity than mutual funds, indicating that AETF managers face harsher penalties for poor performance. When an underperforming manager joins an AETF, investors respond by shorting more shares of the fund. Consequently, this manager is more likely to exit the fund management industry, thereby enhancing overall sector efficiency and allowing more high-performing managers to remain. Moreover, the stocks held within AETFs exhibit improved price informativeness. We also find that AETF managers outperform both mutual fund and passive fund managers” (abstract).

 Sensible trend-following: Can the variability of trend-following signals add value? By Philippe Declerck and Thomas Vy as of Dec. 6th,2024 (#67): “We document that there is information in the variability of binary signals used to build a cross-asset trend-following strategy. This information may help building trend-following strategies with slightly higher Sharpe ratios. This added value may come with higher maximum drawdown to vol ratios for short lookback periods (up to one month), while the longest period tested (2.5 months) lead to a reduction of both ratios. The optimal results are obtained for observation periods of 1 to 2 months” (abstract). My comment: Since quite some time, I use 40-day averages for risk-signals if clients want to have risk-managed portfolios.

AI model overload: Design choices, machine learning, and the cross-section of stock returns by Minghui Chen, Matthias X. Hanauer and Tobias Kalsbach as of Dec. 2nd, 2024 (#3367): “We fit over one thousand machine learning models for predicting stock returns, systematically varying design choices across algorithm, target variable, feature se lection, and training methodology. … we observe a substantial variation in model performance, with monthly mean top-minus-bottom returns ranging from 0.13% to 1.98%. These findings underscore the critical impact of design choices on machine learning predictions, and we offer recommendations for model design. Finally, we identify the conditions under which non-linear models outperform linear models“ (abstract).


Werbung (in: Return on sustainability)

Unterstützen Sie meinen Researchblog, indem Sie in den von mir beratenen globalen Small-/Mid-Cap-Investmentfonds (siehe FutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals R – DE000A2P37T6 – A2P37T) investieren und/oder ihn empfehlen.

Der Fonds konzentriert sich auf die UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung mit durchschnittlich außerordentlich hohen 99% SDG-vereinbaren Umsätzen der Portfoliounternehmen und verwendet separate E-, S- und G-Best-in-Universe-Mindestratings sowie Aktionärsengagement bei derzeit 28 von 30 Unternehmen (siehe auch My fund).

Zum Vergleich: Ein traditionelle globaler Small-Cap-ETF hat eine SDG-Umsatzvereinbarkeit von 5%, für einen Gesundheits-ETF beträgt diese 1% und für einen ETF für erneuerbare Energien 44%.

Insgesamt hat der von mir beratene Fonds seit der Auflage im August 2021 eine ähnliche Performance wie durchschnittliche globale Small- und Midcapfonds (vgl. z.B. Fonds-Portfolio: Mein Fonds | CAPinside und Globale Small-Caps: Faire Benchmark für meinen Artikel 9 Fonds?).

Ein Fondsinvestment war also bisher ein „Free Lunch“ in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit: Man erhält ein besonders konsequent nachhaltiges Portfolio mit markttypischen Renditen und Risiken.

Green impact greenwashing illustration

Green impact? Researchpost 205

Green impact: 9x new research on the end of oil, biodiversity stress and neighbor risks, high greenwashing costs, bad climate solution returns, green patent disappointments, venture impact and there is no passive investing (# shows the number of SSRN full paper downloads as of Dec. 5th, 2024)

Nachhaltigkeits- und Investmentforschung aus Impact Investing Insights 2024 von Dirk Söhnholz vom 3. Dezember 2024: „In diesem Beitrag geht es vor allem um die Frage, wie man neue wissenschaftliche Forschung findet, die für die eigene Geldanlage relevant sein kann. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf nachhaltigkeitsbezogenem Research … wer sich nicht auf meine (Sö: Research-=Posts verlassen möchte, kann mit Hilfe dieses Beitrags selbst für sich relevante wissenschaftlich Forschung finden. Damit gibt es keine guten Ausreden mehr, wissenschaftliches Research zu vernachlässigen“ (S. 12/13).

Social and Ecological Research

Winning green paradox? The End of Oil by Ryan Kellogg as of Dec. 2nd, 2024 (#12): “It is now plausible to envision scenarios in which global demand for crude oil falls to essentially zero by the end of this century, driven by improvements in clean energy technologies, adoption of stringent climate policies, or both. This paper asks what such a demand decline, when anticipated, might mean for global oil supply. One possibility is the well-known “green paradox”: because oil is an exhaustible resource, producers may accelerate near-term extraction in order to beat the demand decline. This reaction would increase near-term CO2 emissions and could possibly even lead the total present value of climate damages to be greater than if demand had not declined at all. However, because oil extraction requires potentially long-lived investments in wells and other infrastructure, the opposite may occur: an anticipated demand decline reduces producers‘ investment rates, decreasing near-term oil production and CO2 emissions. … I develop a tractable model of global oil supply that incorporates both effects … I find that for model inputs with the strongest empirical support, the disinvestment effect outweighs the traditional green paradox. In order for anticipation effects on net to substantially increase cumulative global oil extraction, I find that industry investments must have short time horizons, and that producers must have discount rates that are comparable to U.S. treasury bill rates” (abstract).

ESG investment research (in: Green impact)

Low biodiversity risk? A Biodiversity Stress Test of the Financial System by Sophia Arlt, Tobias Berg, Xander Hut and Daniel Streitz as of Dec. 3rd, 2024 (#25): “Our study provides a comprehensive assessment of the European financial system’s exposure to biodiversity-related transition risk, alongside a comparative analysis with climate-related transition risk. … we find that while a non-negligible share of bank credit is linked to industries exposed to biodiversity transition risk (approximately 15% of total credit to non-financial firms), the overall financial system impact appears moderate. The bottom-up stress test indicates that even under severe stress scenarios, the additional losses from biodiversity risks are estimated at only 0.3 to 0.5% of the total non-financial corporate loan portfolio. … the capital shortfall associated with a severe shock to the biodiversity risk factor would only amount to about 0.5% of banks’ market capitalization“ (p. 23).

High biodiversity risk? Double Materiality of Biodiversity-related Risks: From Direct to Supply Chain Portfolio Assessment by Anthony Schrapffer, Jaime Andres Riano Sanchez,  and Julia Bres as of Dec. 3rd, 2024 (#32):“42.7% (resp. 31.4%) of a portfolio based on the Stoxx 600 has a strong or very strong direct (resp. indirect) dependency on biodiversity and that 59.9% (resp. 44.64%) has a strong or very strong direct (resp. indirect) impact on biodiversity. … The integrated oil and gas, clothing and electricity sectors are particularly sensitive as they have both a very high dependency and a very high negative impact on biodiversity“ (abstract).

Dangerous neighbors? Proximity Peril: The Effects of Neighboring Firms’ Biodiversity Risk on Firm Value by Chenhao Guo and Rui Zhong as of Nov. 13th, 2024 (#56): “Since geographically proximate firms operate in local biosphere and rely on common ecosystem services, a focal firm value might be affected by proximate firms’ biodiversity risk. … We find that one standard-deviation increase in neighboring firm’s biodiversity risk measure is associated with about 3.78% decline in the corresponding focal firm’s value on average. Using the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 as an exogenous shock, we establish a causal relationship. … we find that proximate firm’s biodiversity risk leads to significant declines in sector-wide and long-run value components. Further analysis shows that the negative effects are more pronounced in industries with high biodiversity risk or when firms are connected through supply chains …” (abstract).

High cleanwashing costs: Greenwashing: Measurement and Implications by Qiyang He, Ben R. Marshall, Justin Hung Nguyen, Nhut H. Nguyen, Buhui Qiu, and Nuttawat Visaltanachoti as of Dec. 3rd, 2024 (#102): “This study employs earnings conference call transcripts and a specialized machine learning model, FinBERT, to measure greenwashing intensity for a broad sample of U.S. public-listed firms spanning the 2007-2021 sample period. … First, we observe that the economy-wide aggregate GW measure markedly increased after the 2015 Paris Agreement. Second, we find that the utility industry has the highest level of GW intensity among all industries. Third, we … find that relative to other firms, firms in the fossil fuel industry or the broader stranded asset industries, experienced a significant increase in greenwashing intensity after the Paris Agreement. Fourth, we find that firms with higher greenwashing intensity incur a greater amount of future environmental incidents, experience a higher amount of future EPA enforcement actions, and have higher future carbon emissions. Fifth, despite their higher likelihood of experiencing future environmental incidents and EPA enforcement, we find no evidence that GW firms produce more green innovation than other firms. … Our findings indicate that GW is associated with lower cumulative abnormal stock returns after earnings conference calls and predicts poorer future corporate operating performance. … we … document that firms with greater GW intensity tend to receive higher future environmental ratings from different rating companies. … after the Paris Accord, there is a positive relation between GW and top executives’ future job security. … greenwashing firms are more likely to link their CEO pay with corporate environmental performance in their compensation contracts. These findings suggest an agency explanation for greenwashing: managers engage in greenwashing to increase their job security and compensation, at the expense of shareholders and other stakeholders“ (p. 37/38). My comment: With my focus on high SDG-aligned revenues, high best-in-class instead of best-in-universe E, S an G Scores and my engagement focus on the CEO to average employee pay ration instead of the introduction of ESG-linked compensation I think that I am rather well protected against greenwashing of my portfolio companies.

SDG investment research

Climate hedges: Climate Solutions, Transition Risk, and Stock Returns by Shirley Lu, Edward J. Riedl, Simon Xu, and George Serafeim as of Nov. 21st, 2024 (#112): “A long-short portfolio constructed from firms with high versus low climate solutions within an industry group generates an average excess return of-5.37% per year from 2005 to 2023” (p. 34). … “… we find that high-climate solution firms exhibit lower stock returns and higher market valuation multiples. Their stock prices respond positively to events signaling increased demand for climate solutions. These firms also show higher future profitability during periods of regulatory uncertainty, unexpected increases in climate concerns, and when a larger share of their sales occurs in states with climate plans and stronger public support for addressing climate change. Overall, our results indicate that high-climate solution firms, whose business benefits as climate transition risks materialize, hedge investors against such risks”. My comment: Maybe it is good, that most investors cannot go short climate stocks. And remember: Past returns may not be a good indicator of future returns. My experience with climate-solution investments is rather positive.

No patent green impact? Green Innovations – Do patents pay off for the environment or for the investors? by Malte Schlosser, Ester Trutwin and Thorsten Hens as of Feb. 28th, 2024 (#271): “An examination of WIPO (Sö: World Intellectual Property Organization) patent data in conjunction with MSCI data reveals that companies with relatively more new green patents are those with less carbon emissions … Our analysis indicates that the firm’s green patent ratio does not contribute to an improved ESG score. However, we find evidence that the number of green patents within the last 240 months results in a better E, and industry adjusted ESG score. … While all patent strategies are underperforming the market, they tend to outperform or produce similar returns compared to the environmental and ESG strategies“ (p. 24/25).

Venture capital green impact? Impact Investment Funds by Alan S. Gutterman as of Sept. 16th, 2024 (#37): “This Work begins with an overview of the “impact startup” financial market .. The Work then dives into the practical “nuts and bolts” of practicing impact venture capital including the structure of impact investment funds and the steps that fund managers need to take to effectively “organize for impact” and the fundraising process for capitalizing the fund including due diligence, preparation and use of offering documents and negotiation of terms of the fund’s limited partnership or operating agreement. … The Work closes with a review of some of the challenges that must be overcome for the impact venture capital sector to fulfill its promise as important contributor to developing and implementing innovative and financially viable solutions to achieve society’s aspirations for sustainable development and progress” (p. 1).

Other investment research (in: Green impact)

No passive investing? Casting a Wide Net: Why True Passive Strategies Are Rare Catches by Alejandro Gaba, Jennifer Bender, Yvette Murphy, and John Tucker State Street Global Advisors from State Street Global Advisors as of Sept. 23rd, 2024 (#67): “With the rapid expansion of index funds, including smart beta and factor portfolios, what is active versus what is passive has become difficult to discern. Here we argue that only the theoretical market portfolio is “purely” passive and in practice only index portfolios that track broad market cap weighted indices (“passive-adjacent”) can be viewed as passive investing. Everything else is active. However, everything that is active lies on a spectrum and can be evaluated based on a framework we call “Conceptual Activeness.” We discuss three key parts of Conceptual Activeness – Simplicity, Transparency, and Acceptance …”. My comment: I miss a discussion of Multi-Asset Portfolios which are even less passive than equity portfolios, see Multi-Asset Benchmarks: Gibts nicht, will keiner. Oder doch? – Responsible Investment Research Blog. All my portfolios are rather simple, transparent but – unfortunately – not widely accepted (see Das-Soehnholz-ESG-und-SDG-Portfoliobuch.pdf).


Werbung (in: Green impact)

Unterstützen Sie meinen Researchblog, indem Sie in den von mir beratenen globalen Small-Cap-Investmentfonds (siehe FutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals R – DE000A2P37T6 – A2P37T) investieren und/oder ihn empfehlen. Der Fonds konzentriert sich auf die UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung mit durchschnittlich außerordentlich hohen 95% SDG-vereinbaren Umsätzen der Portfoliounternehmen und verwendet separate E-, S- und G-Best-in-Universe-Mindestratings sowie Aktionärsengagement bei derzeit 29 von 30 Unternehmen (siehe auch My fund).

Sustainability deficit illustration: Painter by Alexas Fotos from Pixabay

Sustainability deficits: Researchpost 188

Sustainability deficits picture from Pixabay by Alexas Fotos

11x new research on green jobs, carbon prices, GHG reporting, accountants, ESG disclosures, institutional ESG, Governance returns, kid investments, ETF liquidity, loss aversion and customized investments (# shows SSRN full paper downloads as of August 8th, 2024)

Social and ecological research

Good green job effects: The Green Future: Labor Market Implications for Men and Women by Naomi-Rose Alexander, Longji Li, Jorge Mondragon, Sahar Priano, and Marina M. Tavares from the International Monetary Fund as of July 25th, 2024 (#15): “In AEs (Sö: Advanced economies), green jobs are predominantly found among high-skilled workers and cognitive occupations, whereas in EMs, many green jobs are manual positions within the construction sector …. green jobs are disproportionately held by men in both AEs and Ems … Additionally, we observe a green wage premium and narrower gender pay gaps in green jobs … many green jobs are well-positioned to harness the benefits of AI advancements … green jobs with a greater capacity to leverage AI exhibit a reduced gender pay gap” (p. 40/41).

Sustainability deficits (1): Negative carbon price effects: Firms’ heterogeneous (and unintended) investment response to carbon price increases by Anna Matzner and Lea Steininger as of July 29th, 2024 (#13): “Using balance sheet data of 1.2 million European firms and identified carbon policy shocks, we find that higher carbon prices reduce investment, on average. However, less carbon-intensive firms and sectors reduce their investment relatively more compared to otherwise similar firms after a carbon price tightening shock. Following carbon price tightening, firms in demand-sensitive industries see a relative decrease not only in investment but also in sales, employment and cashflow. Moreover, we find no evidence that higher carbon prices incentivise carbon-intensive firms to produce less emission-intensively. Overall, our results are consistent with theories of the growth-hampering features of carbon price increases and suggest that carbon pricing policy operates as a demand shock“ (abstract).

Sustianbility deficits (2): Corporate carbon deficits: The MSCI Sustainability Institute Net-Zero Tracker from the MSCI Sustainability Institute as of July 2024: “A series of indicators that investors use to guide transition finance … suggest that the world’s listed companies remain largely misaligned with global climate goals … Just over one-fifth (22%) of listed companies have set a decarbonization target that aims to reduce their financially relevant GHG emissions to net-zero by 2050 in line with a science-based pathway, as of May 31, 2024, an increase of eight percentage points from a year earlier … 38% of companies disclosed at least some of their upstream Scope 3 emissions, up eight percentage points from a year earlier, while 28% disclosed at least some of their downstream Scope 3 emissions, up seven percentage points over the same period” (p. 4). My comment: I ask every company within my fund to fully disclose GHG Scope 3 data so that all stakeholders can engage regarding these data.

Sustainability deficits (3): Accountant ESG deficits: ESG Assurance and Comparability of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosures by Jenna Burke, Jiali Luo, Zvi Singer, and Jing Zhang as of Aug. 7th, 2024 (#7): “… a recent rule from the SEC mandates expanded ESG disclosure, including external assurance of reported greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. …. we … find that companies with ESG assurance report more comparable GHG emissions. Comparability is further enhanced when companies use the same assurance provider and when the provider is more experienced. We also find some evidence that comparability is higher when assurance is provided by consulting and engineering firms than by accounting firms“ (abstract).

ESG investment research (in: Sustainability deficits)

Sustainability deficits (4): No ESG disclosure benefits? Does mandating corporate social and environmental disclosure improve social and environmental performance?: Broad-based evidence regarding the effectiveness of Directive 2014/95/EU by Charl de Villiers, John Dumay, Federica Farneti, Jing Jia, and Zhongtian Li as of July 11th, 2024 (#33): “The Directive …requires companies that are (i) listed on EU exchanges or have significant operations within the EU; (ii) employing more than 500 people; or (iii) deemed to be public-interest entities; to report their performance on non-financial matters, including environmental issues, social and employee matters, human rights, anti-corruption, and bribery” (p. 1). … “Analysing a cross-country sample from 2009-2020, we find that social and environmental performance has not meaningfully improved since the Directive was enacted, and instead of EU companies increasing their performance more than US companies, there was either no difference (for social performance) or US companies improved more than EU companies (for environmental performance). Thus, the results suggest that the Directive did not have the intended impact on the social and environmental performance of EU companies “ (p. 19). My comment: Is more regulatory pressure required or more stakeholder engagement or both?

Sustainability deficits (5): Institutional ESG deficits: Comparisons of Asset Manager, Asset Owner, and Wealth and Retail Portfolios by Peter Jacobs, Ursula Marchioni, Stefan Poechhacker, Nicolas Werbach, and Andrew Ang from BlackRock as of April 16th,2024 (#183): “We examine 800 portfolios from European asset managers, asset owners, and wealth/retail managers … The average European institutional portfolio exhibits a total risk hovering between 10 to 11%, with little difference across the average asset manager, asset owner, and wealth/retail portfolios. Equity risk … accounting for almost 90% of the total portfolio risk. Decomposing equity risk further, country-specific tilts are the primary driver of equity risk, contributing approximately half of the overall equity risk. Style factors and sectors represent 35% and 17% of the equity risk, respectively. … the largest style factor exposure is small size. … the average European institution has lower carbon intensities, but perhaps surprisingly lower ESG scores, than the MSCI ACWI benchmark“ (p. 22). My comment: I do not expect significant positive share- and bondholder pressure from these investors. This opens room for more customized investor-driven solutions (see the last research publication of this blog post).

Governance returns: From Crisis to Opportunity: The Impact of ESG Scores and Board Structure on Firms’ Profitability by Luis Seco, Azin Sharifi and Shiva Zamani as of Aug. 6th, 2024 (#13): “This study … of firms listed in the S&P 500 index from 2016 to 2022 reveals that firms with a higher BSI index (Sö: Board structure index) demonstrate enhanced financial profitability …. Among the ESG components, only the Governance score significantly impacts financial profitability, … whereas Environmental and Social scores do not show a significant direct effect on net profit margins … the positive impact of robust board structures and governance practices is more pronounced in the post-COVID period “ (p. 16/17). My comment: Our study from 2014 revealed similar results, see Fetsun, A. and Söhnholz, D. (2014): A quantitative approach to responsible investment: Using ESG multifactor models to improve equity portfolios, Veritas Investment Arbeitspapier, presented at PRI Academic Network Conference in Montreal, September 23rd (140227 ESG_Paper_V3 1 (

Other investment research (in: Sustainability deficits)

Kids beat adults: Invest Like for Your Kids: Performance and Implications of Children’s Investment Accounts on Portfolios in Adulthood by Denis Davydov and Jarkko Peltomäki as of April 16th, 2024 (#78): “… we explore the performance of custodial investment accounts for children and their subsequent impact on portfolio performance in adulthood. We find that children’s investment accounts demonstrate superior performance, boasting an average Sharpe ratio over 35% higher and an annual return three times greater compared to adults’ accounts. Notably, the observed trading activity and account behavior in children’s accounts suggest a preference for passive investment strategies. In addition, the combination of lower volatility and higher returns in children’s accounts may indicate a more effective diversification strategy adopted by parents. … the risk-taking and overall account activity of teenage boys become significantly higher than those of girls, resulting in deteriorated investment performance. … individuals who had investment accounts during childhood consistently demonstrate superior performance compared to their peers who started investing in adulthood” (p. 26/27).

ETF liquidity risk: Passing on the hot potato: the use of ETFs by open-ended funds to manage redemption requests by Lennart Dekker, Luis Molestina Vivar, and Christian Weistroffer as of Aug. 1st, 2024 (#12): “Investment funds are the largest group of ETF investors in the euro area. Our results … show that investment funds were the most run-prone investor type during the COVID-19 crisis. We then show that ETF selling by open-ended funds during March 2020 was stronger for funds facing larger outflows. … This finding is consistent with funds using ETFs for managing liquidity and raising cash if needed“ (p. 16).

Loss aversion? A meta-analysis of disposition effect experiments by Stephen L. Cheung as of pril 3rd, 2024 (#53): “This paper reports a meta-analysis of the disposition effect – the reluctance to liquidate losing investments – in three standard experimental environments in which this behaviour is normatively a mistake. … the literature finds that investors are around 10% more willing to sell winning compared to losing assets, despite optimal choice dictating the opposite“ (abstract).

Hyper-managed customized investments? Beyond Active and Passive Investing: The Customization of Finance from the CFA Institute Research Foundation by Marc R. Reinganum and Kenneth A. Blay as of Aug. 6th, 2024: “…The overwhelming ascendancy of index funds associated within the US Equity Large-Cap Blend category is the exception rather than the rule. … The economics of customizable portfolios, enabled by technology facilitating hyper-managed separate accounts, will yield better outcomes for investors in terms of after-tax returns and alignment with investor attitudes and preferences. … In the future, active and passive investing will coexist but will increasingly take place within hyper-managed separate accounts, where the passive component will be implemented in an unbundled way rather than in a fund to maximize net economic benefits and other objectives. … The next frontier for asset managers and their service providers will be the era of low-cost customization“ (p. 76/77). My comment: See Index- und Nachhaltigkeits-Investing 2.0? | CAPinside



Unterstützen Sie meinen Researchblog, indem Sie in meinen globalen Smallcap-Investmentfonds (SFDR Art. 9) investieren und/oder ihn empfehlen. Der Fonds konzentriert sich auf die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG: Investment impact) und verwendet separate E-, S- und G-Best-in-Universe-Mindestratings sowie ein breites Aktionärsengagement (Investor impact) bei derzeit 29 von 30 Unternehmen: Vgl. My fund.

Green salt illlustration from H Hach from Pixabay

Green salt: Researchpost 187

Green salt picture by H. Hach from Pixabay

10x new research on green salt, digital aid, ESG risks, ESG ratings, direct ESG indexing, environmental engagement, green regulation, stock return dispersion and equal weigthing

Social and ecological research

Green salt? Expanding the Use of Molten Salt for Renewable Energy Storage and the Role of Green Technology Policies by Lavinia Heisenberg and Richhild Moessner as of July 31st, 2024 (#6): “This paper discussed expanding the use of molten salt for renewable energy storage and generation, in an environmentally friendly way and making use of existing infrastructure. These include using molten salt to store solar energy in concentrated solar plants, replacing coal by molten salt to power thermal plants and thereby convert existing coal thermal plants to renewables, and linking these two uses. They also include molten salt thermal batteries for grid-scale energy storage, and using molten salt in green hydrogen production” (p. 9).

Digital humanitarian aid: Can Digital Aid Deliver during Humanitarian Crises? by Michael Callen, Miguel Fajardo-Steinhäuser, Michael G. Findley, and Tarek Ghani as of July 31st, 2024 (#3): “We experimentally evaluated digital payments to extremely poor, female-headed households in Afghanistan …. The payments led to substantial improvements in food security and mental well-being. Despite beneficiaries’ limited tech literacy, 99.75% used the payments, and stringent checks revealed no evidence of diversion. … Delivery costs are under 7 cents per dollar, which is 10 cents per dollar less than the World Food Programme’s global figure for cash-based transfers” (abstract).

ESG investment research (in: Green salt)

Low ESG risks pay: MSCI ESG Ratings and Cost of Capital by Jakub Malich and Anett Husi from MSCI Research as of July 22nd, 2024: “The objective of our study was to determine whether companies with higher resilience to financially material sustainability-related risks (as measured by MSCI ESG Ratings) did benefit from a lower cost of capital. Key takeaways: We found a significant historical correlation between a company’s MSCI ESG Rating and its financing costs. This relationship held in both equity and debt markets … Companies assessed to be the most resilient to financially material sustainability-related risks consistently financed themselves more cheaply than those considered more vulnerable“ (p. 4). My comment: I invest in stocks with low ESG risks and my returns have been good so far, see e.g. Fonds-Portfolio: Mein Fonds | CAPinside

Better social than green? The Influence of ESG Ratings on the Performance of Listed Companies in Germany during by Crisis by Katharina Neuenroth and Alexander Zureck as of July 29th, 2024 (#8): “Data of a sample of 20 companies listed in the Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX) was utilised for the analysis and a time period of two years (2020 – 2021) was considered. The required information was gathered from the Refinitiv Thomson Reuters database. The research found no significant influence of environmental and governance ratings on EBITDA. However, a significant positive influence of the social rating was observable.“ (abstract). My comment: My SDG-portfolios have more social than green exposure and most have performed rather well over time see

Direct ESG Indexing: Smart Beta, Direct Indexing, and Index-Based Investment Strategies by from Jordan Doyle and Genevieve Hayman from the CFA Research Institute as of July 30th, 2024: “…. we review the origins of index investing and develop an indexing framework that captures incremental levels of active management for new index-based products within the evolving index investing landscape. This conceptual framework helps investors, firms, and policymakers better understand and define index-based products. Additionally, we offer policy recommendations to clarify terminologies with respect to smart beta products and direct indexing, and we encourage increased disclosure on the part of index providers regarding indexing methodologies” (p. 3). …. “Several recent studies have highlighted the increased calls for personalized strategies and product offerings within investment management. In a Charles Schwab Asset Management (2023) survey, 88% of ETF investors expressed interest in further personalizing their investment portfolio, with 78% wishing to better align investments with their personal values” (p. 7). My comment: I offer direct ESG and SDG index solutions since quite some time now but demand has been very low, see Direct ESG Indexing: Die beste ESG Investmentmöglichkeit auch für Privatkunden?

Good ESG banks? Stock returns and ESG scores of banks by Silvia Bressan and Alex Weissensteiner as of July 29th, 2024 (#12): “We analyze the relationship between United States bank stock returns and ESG scores from January 2013 to December 2022. Our findings indicate that during bear markets, high ESG banks perform slightly better than low ESG banks. However, during market rebounds, the outperformance of high ESG banks becomes significantly more pronounced. … during the more stable period from March 2021 to December 2022 … high ESG banks exhibiting lower equity performance“ (p. 30/31).

Impact investment research (in: Green salt)

Green bank returns: Does Banks’ Environmental Engagement Impact Funding Costs? by  Md Jaber Al Islam,  Fernando Moreira, and Mustapha Douch as of July 24th, 2024 (#12): “This study investigates 853 banks across 59 countries from 2004 to 2021, identifying a significant relationship between banks’ environmental engagement and lower funding costs. This association is more pronounced among banks with better management, lower deposit levels, and operating in countries with higher GDP. Depositors and investors support ecofriendly banks due to their favourable conditions in risk, capital adequacy, profitability, and reputation. Besides, the Paris Agreement has been instrumental in heightening awareness among depositors and investors regarding climate change.” (abstract).

Effective green regulation: The impact of ECB Banking Supervision on climate risk and sustainable finance by Lena Schreiner and Andreas Beyer as of July 23rrd, 2024 (#37): “This paper provides a first empirical analysis of the impact of the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) climate-risk-related supervisory efforts … We …. find a significant impact on both improvements in climate risk exposure and management and on an increase in banks’ green finance activities“ (abstract).

Oher investment research

Stock return dispersion: Which U.S. Stocks Generated the Highest Long-Term Returns? by Hendrik Bessembinder as of July 16th, 2024 (#5538): “This report describes compound return outcomes for the 29,078 publicly-listed common stocks contained in the CRSP database from December 1925 to December 2023. The majority (51.6%) of these stocks had negative cumulative returns. However, the investment performance of some stocks was remarkable. Seventeen stocks delivered cumulative returns greater than five million percent (or $50,000 per dollar initially invested) … The highest annualized compound return for any stock with at least 20 years of return data was 33.38%, earned by Nvidia shareholders” (abstract).

Equal weigthing: Worth the Weight by Tim Edwards, Anu R. Ganti, and Hamish Preston from S&P Dow Jones Indices as of July 23rd, 2024: “The S&P 500 Equal Weight Index has recently displayed underperformance in comparison to the S&P 500, driven primarily by historical extremes of performance in the market’s largest names. Moreover, concentration in the broader U.S. equity market has increased to its highest in many years, while single-stock momentum trends are showing unusual signs of extension. Historically, such periods have tended to eventually revert toward their historical means, with such reversion accompanied by stronger relative performance by equal weight indices” (p. 17). My comment: I use equal weighting for equity portfolios since many years and are happy with the results, see e.g. here Das-Soehnholz-ESG-und-SDG-Portfoliobuch.pdf (


Werbehinweis (in: Green salt)

Unterstützen Sie meinen Researchblog, indem Sie in meinen globalen Smallcap-Investmentfonds (SFDR Art. 9) investieren und/oder ihn empfehlen. Der Fonds konzentriert sich auf die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG: Investment impact) und verwendet separate E-, S- und G-Best-in-Universe-Mindestratings sowie ein breites Aktionärsengagement (Investor impact) bei derzeit 29 von 30 Unternehmen: Vgl. My fund.

Zur jetzt wieder guten Performance siehe zum Beispiel Fonds-Portfolio: Mein Fonds | CAPinside

Biodiversity finance illustration from ecolife zone

Biodiversity finance and more: Researchpost #186

Biodiversity finance illustration from ecolife zone (

18x new research on climate regulation, green millionaires, donations, fintechs, ESG ratings, climate analysts, ESG funds, social funds, smart beta, asset allocation, research risks, green hedge funds, biodiversity, impact funds, proxy voting, sustainable engagement, and timberland investing

Social and ecological research

Non-negative climate regulation? Firms’ Response to Climate Regulations: Empirical Investigations Based on the European Emissions Trading System by Fotios Kalantzis, Salma Khalid, Alexandra Solovyeva, and Marcin Wolski from the International Monetary Fund as of July 15th, 2024 (#13): “Using a novel cross-country dataset … We find that more stringent policies do not have a strong negative impact on the profitability of ETS-regulated or non-ETS firms. While firms report an increase in their input costs during periods of high carbon prices, their reported turnover is also higher. Among ETS-regulated firms which must purchase emission certificates under the EU ETS, tightening of climate policies in periods of high carbon prices results in increased investment, particularly in intangible assets” (abstract).

Greening millionaires? Wealth transfer intentions, family decision-making style and sustainable investing: the case of millionaires by Ylva Baeckström and Jeanette Carlsson Hauff as of June 21st, 2024 (#13): “… little is known about how the wealthy make sustainable investment decisions. Using unique survey data from 402 millionaires … Our results show that funds are more likely to be channeled towards sustainable causes in families that are society-oriented and adopt democratic decision-making styles compared to families whose decision-making style is autocratic and intend for future generations to inherit their wealth” (abstract).

Selfish donations? Donations in the Dark by Ionela Andreicovici, Nava Cohen, Alessandro Ghio, and Luc Paugam as of March 13th, 2024 (#103): “We examine the impact of the 2013 shift from mandatory to voluntary disclosure of corporate philanthropy in the United Kingdom (UK). … we find that, relative to a sample of United States firms, UK firms (i) reduce corporate philanthropy disclosure and (ii) increase corporate philanthropic donations in the voluntary period. … Overall, our results point towards the idea that the shift to voluntary disclosure (i) reduces managerial incentives to transparently report corporate philanthropic activities and (ii) exacerbates managers’ incentives to engage in self-serving corporate donations“ (abstract).

Limited fintech-inclusion: Promise (Un)kept? Fintech and Financial Inclusion by Serhan Cevik from the International Monetary Fund as of July 15th, 2024 (#12): „The ownership of accounts in formal financial institutions increased from 51 percent of the world’s adult population in 2011 to 76 percent in 2021, but there is still significant variation across countries. … While digital lending has a significant negative effect on financial inclusion, digital capital raising is statistically insignificant. … the overall impact of fintech is also statistically insignificant for the full sample, but becomes positive and statistically highly significant in developing countries” (abstract).

ESG investment research (in: Biodiversity finance)

Positive High-ESG effects: The Effects of ESG Ratings on Firms’ Financial Decisions by Sahand Davani as of July 12th, 2024 (#27): “I show that firms with higher ESG ratings (high-ESG firms) have higher ownership by ESG institutional investors, have lower perceived cost of capital, and issue more net equity than net debt compared to similar firms with lower ESG ratings (low-ESG firms). Consistently, I find that high-ESG firms try to maintain their high ESG ratings at the current levels, while the ESG ratings of similar low-ESG firms decline” (abstract).

Analysts climate ignorance: Analysts’ Perspectives on Climate Change: An Examination of Analyst Reports by Jesse Chan as of July 12th, 2024 (#30):  “Despite focusing on firms operating in industries most exposed to climate change, I find a minority of analysts (<11%) discuss climate topics in their analyst reports … analysts are concentrating their discussion among electric utilities and other electronic equipment manufacturers, and typically discuss climate change related business opportunities and regulatory issues related to climate change. Climate related discussions, and particularly discussion of regulatory issues, are associated with more pessimistic long-term growth forecasts and revisions, implying analysts expect these issues to affect firms‘ financial performance in the long run” (abstract).

Easy ESG sell? ESG and Mutual Fund Competition? by Ariadna Dumitrescua and Javier Gil-Bazo as of July 12th, 2024 (#37): “Investors have heterogenous preferences for ESG. Not all investors care for sustainability, and among those who do, they value different ESG objectives differently. The model predicts that in equilibrium the market is segmented: neutral investors (those with no preference for ESG) invest only in conventional funds and ESG investors invest only in ESG funds. While competition is fierce in the conventional segment of the market and only the best funds survive, it is relaxed by investors’ ESG preferences in the ESG segment of the market. If the intensity of ESG investors’ preferences is sufficiently high, ESG funds of lower quality will be able to survive“ (p. 18/19).

ESG steering? Smarter Beta Investing: Forget Exclusions, add Steering towards lower Emissions by Heiko Bailer and Jonathan Miller as of July 17th, 2024 (#28): “Steering strategically tilts portfolios towards sustainable factors such as lower emissions … This research investigates the effectiveness of steering compared to exclusion-based strategies. … The analysis, spanning September 2019 to May 2024, reveals that steering maintains or improves risk-adjusted returns compared to exclusions. Additionally, steering portfolios exhibit lower risk and avoid unintended biases toward smaller companies, often observed with exclusions“ (abstract). My comment: The resulting steering strategies appear to have rather limited SDG-revenue alignments. My experience shows attractive risk/return characteristics for strategies using many strict exclusions and demanding ESG- and SDG-Revenue requirements. It would be interesting to compare the results with steering approaches (which may be driven by significant Tech allocations).

Risk reducing ESG: Can Environmental and Social Stocks Weather Market Turbulence? A risk premia analysis by Giovanni Cardillo, Cristian Foroni and Murad Harasheh as of July 23rd, 2024 (#28): “Analyzing all listed firms in the EU and UK and exploiting COVID-19 as an exogenous shock, our findings challenge prior literature by demonstrating that firm sustainability does not necessarily reduce the cost of equity in adverse states of the economy. … Nevertheless, our results indicate that riskier yet more sustainable firms experience a relatively smaller increase in their cost of equity, suggesting a moderating rather than a first-order effect of sustainability. Second, investors positively value firms that reduce CO2 emissions and offer green and more ethical products, as evidenced by lower risk premia assigned to such firms. Lastly, we provide robust evidence that more sustainable firms exhibit less uncertain and higher cash flows during the pandemic than their less sustainable counterparts“ (abstract).

Green optimization limits: Portfolio Alignment and Net Zero Investing by Thierry Roncalli from Amundi as of July 12th, 2024 (#28): “First, the solution is parameter and data sensitive. In particular, we need to be careful in choosing the carbon scope metric … Scope 3 and consumption-based emissions need to be taken into account to align a portfolio with a net-zero scenario. The problem is that we see a lack of data reliability on these indirect emissions today. Similarly, the solution is highly dependent on the green intensity target and the level of self-decarbonization we want to achieve. … The second key finding is that portfolio decarbonization and net-zero construction lead to different solutions. … These results are amplified when we add the transition dimension to the optimization program. … it is quite impossible to achieve net zero alignment without allowing the algorithm to exclude companies (or countries) from the benchmark. … As a result, some key players in the transition, such as energy and utility companies, unfortunately disappear. … The final lesson is that it is easier to implement net zero in bonds than in equities. … there is another important point that is missing from our analysis. This is the issue of engagement. … The reason is that engagement is difficult to model quantitatively” (p. 20-22). My comment: Given the many discretionary decisions for “optimizations”, I usually call them “pseudo-optimizations”.

No green outperformance? Do sustainable companies have better financial performance? Revisiting a seminal study by Andrew King as of July 24th, 2024 (#2180): “Do high-sustainability companies have better financial performance than their low-sustainability counterparts? An extremely influential publication, “The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance”, claims that they do. Its 2014 publication preceded a boom in sustainable investing …Yet I report here that I cannot replicate the original study’s methods or results, and I show that a close reading of the original report reveals its evidence is too weak to justify its claims concerning financial performance” (abstract). My comment: It is very important to clearly write, understand and also to replicate scientific studies. But as long as the performance of sustainable investments is similar as the performance of traditional investments, I clearly prefer sustainable investments.

Green hedge funds: Are the Hedges of Funds Green? by Huan Kuang, Bing Liang, Tianyi Qu, and Mila Getmansky Sherman as of April 15th, 2024 (#59): “… we … find that funds with higher green beta not only outperform other funds but also exhibit lower risk. This outperformance is driven by fund managers’ superior investment skill in both green stock picking and green factor timing. Furthermore, we document that investors reward green funds with higher inflows after the 2015 Paris Agreement, but only within high-performance funds. Finally, we show that political beliefs, climate news sentiment, and participation in the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) all influence hedge funds’ exposure to sustainable investing and investor flows” (abstract).

Biodiversity finance and bond risks: Biodiversity Risk in the Corporate Bond Market by Sevgi Soylemezgil and Cihan Uzmanoglu as of July 14th, 2024 (#165): “We investigate how risks associated with biodiversity loss influence borrowing costs in the US corporate bond market. … we find that higher biodiversity risk exposure is associated with higher yield spreads among long-term bonds, indicating biodiversity as a long-run risk. This effect is stronger among riskier firms and firms that mention biodiversity, particularly biodiversity regulation, in their financial statements. … we find that the impact of biodiversity risk on yield spreads is more pronounced when biodiversity-related awareness and regulatory risks rise” (abstract).

Impact investment research

RI market segmentation: Styles of responsible investing: Attributes and performance of different RI fund varieties by Stuart Jarvis from PGIM as of July 2nd, 2024 (#18): “Paris-aligned funds … achieve a low level of portfolio emissions, not just through a combination of significant divestment from sectors but also by selecting companies with low emissions levels. The resulting companies have decarbonised significantly in recent years … Impact funds … have demonstrated willingness to invest in sectors with currently-high emissions … Performance for these funds has been the most challenged in recent years …” (p. 12). My comments see Orientierung im Dschungel der nachhaltigen Fonds | CAPinside

Biodiversity finance overview: Biodiversity Finance: A review and bibliometric analysis by Helena Naffaa and Xinglin Li as of June 26th, 2024 (#31): “Using bibliometric analysis tools, key features of the literature are revealed, influential works are recognized, and major research focuses are identified. This systematic mapping of the field makes contribution to the existing research by providing historical evolution of the literature, identifying the influential works, and current research interests and future research direction“ (abstract).

Empowering small investors? Open Proxy by Caleb N. Griffin as of July 12th, 2024 (#27): “This Article has explored how the world’s largest asset managers have voluntarily implemented programs for “voting choice,” agreeing to pass through a measure of voting authority to selected investors. Unfortunately, the current instantiation of voting choice offers only a narrow set of artificially constrained options, which, in effect, merely transfer a fraction of the Big Three’s voting power to another oligopoly. In order to amplify the choices available to investors, this Article proposes that large asset managers shift from the current closed proxy system to an open proxy system wherein any bona fide proxy advisor could compete for the right to represent investors’ interests. Such a policy change would infuse intermediated voting programs with essential competitive pressure and allow for truly meaningful voting choice” (p. 41).

Depreciation-aligned sustainability: Timing Sustainable Engagement in Real Asset Investments by Bram van der Kroft, Juan Palacios, Roberto Rigobon, and Siqi Zheng as of July 3rd, 2024 (#151): “This paper provides evidence that sustainable engagement improves firms’ sustainable investments only when its timing aligns with the (“real” not “book”) depreciation of their physical assets. … Further, our results appear unexplained by a selection in REITs and are generalized to the US heavy manufacturing industry, heavily relying on real assets. Therefore, this paper argues that sustainable engagement poses an effective tool to improve firms’ sustainable investments when accurately aligned with the depreciation cycles of their physical assets” (p. 35/36).

Other investment research (in: Biodiversity finance)

Attractive timberland: Investing in US Timberland Companies by Jack Clark Francis and Ge Zhang as of June 27th, 2024 (#11): “Over a 20-year sample period it turns out that the US timberland corporations, on average, perform about as well as the highly diversified US stock market index. It is surprising that the timberland companies do not outperform the stock market indexes because, in order to encourage tree planting, the US Congress has almost completely exempted timberland companies from paying federal income taxes. Furthermore, it is scientifically impossible to assess the value of the large amounts of photosynthesis that the timberland companies produce” (abstract). My comment: In my opinion, similar returns clearly speak for the more responsible investments.


Werbehinweis (in: biodiversity finance)

Unterstützen Sie meinen Researchblog, indem Sie in meinen globalen Smallcap-Investmentfonds (SFDR Art. 9) investieren und/oder ihn empfehlen. Der Fonds konzentriert sich auf die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG: Investment impact) und verwendet separate E-, S- und G-Best-in-Universe-Mindestratings sowie ein breites Aktionärsengagement (Investor impact) bei derzeit 29 von 30 Unternehmen: Vgl. My fund.

Zur jetzt wieder guten Performance siehe zum Beispiel Fonds-Portfolio: Mein Fonds | CAPinside

ESG rumor illustration from yaobim from Pixaby

ESG rumors: Researchpost #169

ESG rumors: 8x new research on carbon offsets, green innovation, sustainable fund outperformance, ESG rumors and their effects on equities and bonds, ESG factors, safe bonds and private equity (# shows SSRN full paper downloads as of March 27th, 2024)

Ecological and social research

Problematic Offsets: Carbon Offsets: Decarbonization or Transition-Washing? by Sehoon Kim, Tao Li, and Yanbin Wu as of March 23rd, 2024 (#104): “Carbon offsets allow firms to claim reductions in carbon emissions by purchasing and retiring carbon credits sold by projects or entities that achieve those reductions. … While large firms with net-zero commitments are more likely to use offsets, we find evidence that offsets are often used strategically by firms that are already positioned close to achieving these targets or in industries where it is easier to boost their ESG rankings relative to their peers. When faced by an exogenous shock to their incentives to boost rankings, firms with low emissions in industries with narrow cross-peer emission gaps become more likely to use offsets whereas heavy-emission firms in large-gap industries do not. Moreover, firms that strategically increase the use of offsets do so by retiring credits from low-quality offset projects, which command lower prices and therefore provide a cost-effective way of transition-washing. Overall, our evidence does not support the purported idea that carbon offsets can be effective at facilitating net-zero transitions by heavy-emission firms. … we do not find evidence that these firms would use such “good” offsets in large-enough quantities to meaningfully reduce their net emissions“ (p. 29/30). My comment: I do not consider/use offsets for my investments.

ESG investment research (ESG rumors)

Green innovation variations: Doing Good by Being Smart: Green Innovation and Firms’ Financial and Environmental Performance by Qiang Cheng, An-Ping Lin, and Mengjie Yang as of March 22nd, 2024 (#25): “We find that firms with more valuable pollution prevention patents have better future financial and environmental performance, whereas the value of firms’ pollution control patents is not associated with their future financial or environmental performance. We further document that pollution prevention innovation improves financial performance through its positive effects on sales growth and cost efficiency …“ (p. 29/30).

2023 ESG outperformance: Sustainable Reality – Sustainable Funds Show Continued Outperformance and Positive Flows in 2023 Despite a Slower Second Half by Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing as of Feb. 29th, 2024: “Sustainable funds outperformed their traditional peers in 2023 with a median return of 12.6% compared to traditional funds’ 8.6%, according to Morningstar data. … Sustainable fund assets under management (AUM) globally grew to $3.4 trillion, up 15% from 2022 and reaching 7.2% of total AUM. Inflows to sustainable funds remained positive overall at $136 billion, 4.7% of the prior year-end AUM. … Equity funds with a global, Europe or APAC investment focus skew primarily to Industrials and Health Care, while funds investing in the Americas are more overweight Technology. Greater exposure to Technology stocks helped sustainable equity funds investing in the Americas in 2023, but this was not the only factor influencing sustainable funds’ outperformance” (p. 1). … “If a hypothetical fund achieved the median return for each of the past five years, a sustainable fund would be up +35% compared with a traditional fund’s +25%” (p. 6). … “Europe-domiciled Sustainable Funds Outperformed Traditional Funds, With Article 8 and Article 9 Funds in a Similar Range” (p. 18). My comment: I have a similar experience, see 2023: Passive Allokation und ESG gut, SDG nicht gut – Responsible Investment Research Blog (

ESG rumors (1): Attention-Grabbing ESG: Do Investors Extract Value-relevant ESG Information from Social Media? by Yoshitaka Tanaka and Shunsuke Managi as of March 23rd, 2024 (#9): “Initially, we find that unconditional excess stock returns exhibit a positive correlation with positive and attention-grabbing ESG events and a negative correlation with negative ESG events. Our findings also indicate that events with low financial materiality, despite their high social prominence, do not have a lasting effect on stock returns. … we find that the greater is the information asymmetry regarding ESG information, the greater is the stock return response. On the other hand, when we control for firm attributes, we find no correlation between materiality and stock returns. The regression results suggest that the response of stock returns to ESG events may be attributed to market inefficiencies arising from information asymmetries rather than fundamental factors“ (p. 20). My comment: I ,like that my ESG ratings provider incorporates ESG controversies in its frequently updated ESG ratings

ESG rumors (2): From News to Numbers: Quantifying the Impact of ESG Controversies on Corporate Bond Spreads by Doina C. Chichernea, J. Christopher Hughen, and Alex Petkevich as of March 23rd, 2024 (#7): “… we document that bondholders demand a higher credit spread for bonds issued by firms with higher ESG controversies. The adverse effect of ESG controversies on bond pricing is long-lived and is primarily observed in bond issues with higher credit risk and more pronounced information asymmetry. We also document that current ESG controversies significantly predict an increase in the firm’s future asymmetric information and default risk …” (abstract).

No ESG factor? Are ESG Factors Truly Unique? by Svetoslav Covachev, Jocelyn Martel, and Sofia Brito-Ramos as of March 21st, 2024 (#71): “This paper studies the relationships between carbon and ESG risk factors and commonly accepted equity risk factors. … the carbon and ESG risk factors can be replicated as linear combinations of risk factors that are based on stock characteristics that are not directly related to environmental and ESG policies. We note that the main inputs for building the carbon and ESG factors are ESG ratings, which have a documented link with firm size. Bigger firms tend to have greater resources for gathering and disclosing ESG information. We also examine the risk exposures of popular ESG indexes, which provide a convenient means to invest in ESG-focused companies. Our findings indicate that the indexes examined are all exposed to the market and size factors, but they are also well-explained by the long leg of the ESG factor” (p. 15). My comment: Sustainable investments should not be expected to have higher returns but rather lower (ESG and thus overall) risks than comparable other investments.

Other investment research (ESG rumors)

Flights to bonds: Global or Regional Safe Assets: Evidence from Bond Substitution Patterns by Tsvetelina Nenova as of March 25th, 2024 (#5): “This paper provides novel empirical evidence on portfolio rebalancing in international bond markets through the prism of investors’ demand for bonds. … Safe assets such as US Treasuries or German Bunds face especially inelastic demand from investment funds compared to riskier bonds. But spillovers from these safe assets to global bond markets are strikingly different. Funds substitute US Treasuries with global bonds, including risky corporate and emerging market bonds, whereas German Bunds are primarily substitutable within a narrow set of euro area safe government bonds. Substitutability deteriorates in times of stress, impairing the transmission of monetary policy“ (abstract).

Private equity dissected: The economics of private equity: A critical review by Alexander Ljungqvist as of Feb. 15th, 2024: “… I have aimed to critically synthesize the main insights of more than 90 academic studies of private equity … to draw the following conclusions. Private equity funds have, on average, historically outperformed public-market indices after fees, but maybe not when adjusted for risk, leverage, and illiquidity. … Private equity funds generate returns for their investors through a combination of the value they add to their portfolio companies and their ability to target companies whose performance is about to take off anyway.  Whether private equity creates social value for the economy at large is an open question. … Private equity is a demanding asset class in which more sophisticated investors can expect to earn better returns than less sophisticated investors. There is scope for ample misalignment of interests between fund managers and investors. Private equity is an innovative asset class, creating new practices and solutions at a fast pace. Recent examples include subscription lines, GP-led secondaries, and NAV financing“ (p. 42/43).


Advert for German investors:

Sponsor my research by investing in and/or recommending my global small cap mutual fund (SFDR Art. 9). The fund focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals and uses separate E, S and G best-in-universe minimum ratings and broad shareholder engagement with currently 28 of 30 companiesFutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals R – DE000A2P37T6 – A2P37T or My fund (

Small-Caps Illustration durch Benchmark meines Fonds mit einer Peergroup

Globale Small-Caps: Faire Benchmark für meinen Artikel 9 Fonds?

Small-Caps: Ich möchte möglichst nachhaltig und transparent, d.h. regelbasiert investieren. Die nachhaltigsten regelbasierten ETFs- bzw. Publikumsfonds erreichen aber nur ungefähr die Hälfte der Nachhaltigkeit meiner nachhaltigsten Aktienportfolios (Details dazu vgl. Nachhaltigkeitsinvestmentpolitik auf Interessenten sind neben der absoluten auch an der relativen Performance dieser Portfolios interessiert. Dafür ist eine faire Benchmark nötig. Es ist schwer, eine solche zu finden.

Keine diversifizierte SDG-Benchmark?

Meine Regeln beinhalten vor allem Länder- und Aktivitätsausschlüsse, ESG-Anforderungen und solche an Vereinbarkeit mit den Nachhaltigen Entwicklungszielen der Vereinten Nationen (SDG). Außerdem versuche ich, ein breites und tiefes Shareholder Engagement umzusetzen.

Die Aktien für meinen Fonds werden Bottom-Up selektiert. Es gibt also keine Allokationsvorgaben z.B. für Länder oder Branchen oder Unternehmensgrößen. Bisher hatten die USA einen Anteil von etwa 40 bis 60 Prozent, danach folgt Australien mit ca. 10% sowie diverse europäische Länder.

Bei den Branchen lag das Gewicht je nach Definition bei 30 bis 60 Prozent Gesundheit und bis zu 40% Industrie.

Ein ESG- plus SDG-Index bzw. eine derartige Fonds-Vergleichsgruppe (Peergroup) wären als Benchmark geeignet. Fonds mit Fokus auf Cleantech oder erneuerbarer Energieproduktion (SDG 7) performen ganz anders als Fonds mit Gesundheitsfokus (SDG 3). Deshalb ist eine SDG-diversifizierte Benchmark nötig. Ich kenne aber keine solche Benchmark bzw. Peergroup, deren Daten öffentlich zugänglich sind und die somit allen Interessenten für Vergleiche zur Verfügung stehen.

Allenfalls der Global Challenges Index der Börse Hannover (GCX) könnte als Benchmark dienen. Allerdings beinhaltet er vor allem ökologisch ausgerichtete Aktien und kaum welche mit Sozialfokus. Außerdem ist er Europalastig und beinhaltet überwiegend höher kapitalisierte Unternehmen als mein Fonds. Ein Vergleich der Positionen von GCX und meinem Fonds ergibt nur sehr wenige Gemeinsamkeiten. Deshalb ist die Korrelation zu meinem Fonds mit ca. 0,6 (seit Fondsauflage im August 2021) auch relativ gering.

Small-Caps Benchmark adäquat?

Eine hohe SDG-Vereinbarkeit ist für branchenfokussierte Unternehmen einfacher erreichbar als für diversifizierte. In den letzten Jahren haben zudem immer mehr Small- und Mid-Cap-Unternehmen aussagekräftige ESG-Daten veröffentlicht. Deshalb gibt es zunehmend mehr SDG-kompatible Unternehmen mit guten ESG-Ratings. Aus diesen Gründen sind überwiegend kleine und wenige Großunternehmen in meinem Portfolio vertreten.

Die durchschnittliche Kapitalisierung der Unternehmen im Portfolio ist von anfangs ca. 15 Milliarden auf inzwischen unter 5 Milliarden gesunken. Je nach Zeitpunkt bzw. Definition war der Fonds also zu Beginn eher ein Mid-Cap- und ist jetzt eher ein Small-Cap-Fonds. Ich erwarte aus den oben genannten Gründen, dass der Fonds auch künftig Small-Cap-fokussiert bleibt.

Korrelationen seit Fondsauflage zeigen knapp 0,6 mit globalen Mid-Caps und etwas über 0,6 mit globalen Small-Caps. Einen kombinierten Small/Mid-Cap-Index bzw. ETF, der für Vergleiche genutzt werden kann, habe ich nicht gefunden. Datenanbieter wie Morningstar oder CAPInside stellen aber Fondspeergroups aus Small- und Mid-Cap-Fonds zusammen. Diese scheinen mir für Performancevergleiche meines Fonds für die Vergangenheit am ehesten geeignet. Bei der CAPInside Peergroup liegt die Korrelation seit Fondsauflage bei 0,7. Dabei ist allerdings zu beachten, dass solche Vergleichsgruppen aufgrund der relativ hohen Kosten aktiver Fonds typischerweise geringere Renditen erreichen als direkte Wertpapierindizes bzw. kostengünstige ETFs.

Der Vorteil einer Small- bzw. Small/Mid-Cap-Benchmark ist, dass mein Fonds mit sehr viel mehr anderen Fonds verglichen werden kann als mit der GCX-Benchmark. Außerdem sind viel mehr Anleger gewohnt, mit traditionellen (Small/Midcap) als mit nachhaltigen (GCX) Benchmarks zu arbeiten. Für künftige Vergleiche wäre eine reine Smallcap-Peergroup adäquater. Eine solche frei zugängliche Vergleichsgruppe gibt es jedoch weder bei Morningstar noch bei CAPInside.

Keine eigene Impact-Peergoup

Ich habe auch versucht, eine eigene Peergroup mit vergleichbaren Fonds zu erstellen. Ich habe aber keine Fonds gefunden, die konsequente ESG- und breite SDG-Kriterien nutzen und global vor allem in Small-Caps investieren. Es gibt zwar SDG- bzw. Impactfonds, aber die sind oft auf nachhaltige Energien fokussiert und/oder nur auf eine Region. Wenn es sich um globale Fonds handelt, enthalten sie typischerweise sehr viele (Technologie-) Mega-Caps, die meiner Meinung nach weder nach ESG- noch nach SDG-Kriterien nachhaltig genug sind (vgl. Glorreiche 7: Sind sie unsozial? – Responsible Investment Research Blog (

Am ehesten können deshalb die Fonds genutzt werden, die dem Global Challenges Index folgen. Wie erwartet, haben diese erheblich geringere USA- und Sozialallokationen und aktuell eine etwa doppelt so hohe durchschnittliche Marktkapitalisierung wie mein Fonds.

Problematische Faktoranalysen

Ich könnte auch auf Faktoranalysen verweisen, um die Fondsperformance zu erklären. Für meinen Fonds ist aber aufgrund seiner Konzeption, außer in Bezug auf SDG, ESG und Small- und Mid-Caps, keine klare und dauerhafte Faktorabhängigkeit zu erwarten. Und die mir bekannten öffentlichen und damit einfach von Interessenten nachprüfbaren Faktoranalysen nutzen keine SDG- bzw. ESG-Faktoren.

Bei Morningstar wird für meinen Fonds z.B. eine unpassende „Aktien global All-Cap“ Benchmark genutzt und eine Flex-Cap- (inkl. Mega- und Large-Caps) anstatt einer Small/Mid-Cap-Peergruppe, die es ebenfalls gibt. Bei der Morningstar-Portfolioanalyse ist der Small-/Mid-Cap-Fokus dagegen deutlich erkennbar.

Der Fonds hat nach Morningstar-Klassifikation keinen klaren Value- oder Growth-Fokus und nur geringe Momentum-Komponenten. Für Interessenten problematisch ist, dass die Ergebnisse solcher Faktoranalysen stark von den jeweiligen Faktordefinitionen abhängen können (vgl. z.B. Kessler, Stephan and Scherer, Bernd and Harries, Jan Philipp, Value by Design? (November 14, 2019). The Journal of Portfolio Management Quantitative Special Issue, 46 (2) 25-43, 2020, DOI:, Available at SSRN:

Fazit: Die für meinen Fonds am besten geeignete Benchmark über die bisherige Laufzeit ist eine Vergleichsgruppe aus globalen Small- und Mid-Cap-Fonds. Im Vergleich zu einer solchen Fondsgruppe von CAPInside hat mein Fonds eine ähnliche Performance seit Auflage und vor allem seit Mitte 2023 und seit Auflage eine Korrelation von ca. 0,7. Das ist nachvollziehbar, denn seit der letzten jährlichen regelbasierten Portfolioumstellung zu Mitte/Ende 2023 besteht der Fonds aus noch mehr Small- und Mid-Caps als vorher. Für künftige Analysen ist dagegen eine reine Small-Cap-Benchmark adäquater.

Besonders nachhaltige marktübliche Performance

Natürlich wäre es aus meiner Sicht gut, eine Outperformance gegenüber solchen Benchmark zu erreichen. Weil für meinen Fonds neben den oben genannten Branchen auch – relativ schlecht performende – nachhaltige Energien, Infrastruktur und Immobilien eine wichtige Rolle spielen, war das in den letzten Jahren aber schwierig. Die Rendite meines Fonds ist deshalb aus meiner Sicht OK. Mit ungefähr 13% Volatilität sind die Schwankungen zudem relativ gering (Interessenten können die Performance z.B. hier prüfen: Fonds-Portfolio: Mein Fonds | CAPInside).

Nachdem Small-Caps lange Zeit relativ schlecht rentiert haben, erwarten einige Marktbeobachter, dass sich die Renditen bald verbessern könnten. Weil ich prognosefrei arbeite, kann ich das nur hoffen. Zumindest gelten Small-Caps als Aktien, die grundsätzlich schnell und stark steigen können. Im Dezember 2023 hat mein Fonds mit den +9% gezeigt, dass das durchaus vorkommen kann.

Mein erklärtes Ziel, mittelfristig eine marktübliche Performance mit besonders nachhaltigen Investments zu erzielen, habe ich bisher erreicht. Anders ausgedrückt: Wenn man weltweit in Small-Caps investieren möchte, kann man das mit meinem Fonds besonders nachhaltig machen und sollte dabei keine Performancenachteile haben.


Werbung (Small Caps):

Der von mir beratene Fonds (SFDR Art. 9) ist auf soziale SDGs fokussiert. Ich nutze separate E-, S- und G-Best-in-Universe-Mindestratings sowie ein breites Aktionärsengagement bei aktuell 26 von 30 Unternehmen: FutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals R – DE000A2P37T6 – A2P37T oder Divestments: 49 bei 30 Aktien meines Artikel 9 Fonds


Diese Unterlage ist von der Soehnholz ESG GmbH erstellt worden. Die Erstellerin übernimmt keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und/oder Aktualität der zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte. Die Informationen unterliegen deutschem Recht und richten sich ausschließlich an Investoren, die ihren Wohnsitz in Deutschland haben. Sie sind nicht als Verkaufsangebot oder Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Kauf- oder Zeichnungsangebots für Anteile des in dieser Unterlage dargestellten Fonds zu verstehen und ersetzen nicht eine anleger- und anlagegerechte Beratung. Anlageentscheidungen sollten nur auf der Grundlage der aktuellen gesetzlichen Verkaufsunterlagen (Wesentliche Anlegerinformationen, Verkaufsprospekt und – sofern verfügbar – Jahres- und Halbjahresbericht) getroffen werden, die auch die allein maßgeblichen Anlagebedingungen enthalten. Die Verkaufsunterlagen werden bei der Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft (Monega Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH), der Verwahrstelle (Kreissparkasse Köln) und den Vertriebspartnern zur kostenlosen Ausgabe bereitgehalten. Die Verkaufsunterlagen sind zudem im Internet unter erhältlich. Die in dieser Unterlage zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte dienen lediglich der allgemeinen Information und stellen keine Beratung oder sonstige Empfehlung dar. Die Kapitalanlage ist stets mit Risiken verbunden und kann zum Verlust des eingesetzten Kapitals führen. Vor einer etwaigen Anlageentscheidung sollten Sie eingehend prüfen, ob die Anlage für Ihre individuelle Situation und Ihre persönlichen Ziele geeignet ist. Diese Unterlage enthält ggf. Informationen, die aus öffentlichen Quellen stammen, die die Erstellerin für verlässlich hält. Die dargestellten Inhalte, insbesondere die Darstellung von Strategien sowie deren Chancen und Risiken, können sich im Zeitverlauf ändern. Einschätzungen und Bewertungen reflektieren die Meinung der Erstellerin zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung und können sich jederzeit ändern. Es ist nicht beabsichtigt, diese Unterlage laufend oder überhaupt zu aktualisieren. Sie stellt nur eine unverbindliche Momentaufnahme dar. Die Unterlage ist ausschließlich zur Information und zum persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt. Jegliche nicht autorisierte Vervielfältigung und Weiterverbreitung ist untersagt.

ESG Bluff: Picture from pixabay by May Leroy shows dices etc.

ESG bluff? Researchpost #164

ESG bluff: 10x new research on Swiss/sustainable retail, lab meat, Weimar politics, sustainable women, SDG financial research, green funds, real estate ESG, free trading governance effects and bond factors (#shows the number of SSRN full paper downloads as of February 22nd, 2024)

Social and ecological research (in: ESG bluff?)

Sustainable retail (English version below): Ausgebummelt – Wege des Handels aus der Spass- und Sinnkrise by Gianluca Scheidegger, Johannes Bauer, and Jan Bieser as of Dec. 7th, 2023 (#21): „Die Zeit wird neu verteilt: Was keine Freude oder Sinn stiftet, wird gestrichen … Nachhaltiger Konsum gewinnt an Bedeutung … Umfassend informiert: KI erleichtert die Produktsuche für Konsument:innen …Auf einer Linie: Persönliche Werte werden bei der Produkt- und Händlerwahl entscheidend: Purpose-driven Consumers sind die weltweit größte Kundengruppe. Tendenz steigend. Diese Kund:innen kaufen nur bei Firmen ein, die ihre Werte teilen. Die Konsument:innen erwarten in Zukunft mehr von den Unternehmen. Händler müssen Stellung zu gesellschaftlichen Problemen beziehen und aktiv zu ihrer Lösung beitragen. Die gute Nachricht ist: Die Menschen trauen dies den Unternehmen zu. Jedem Kanal seine Rolle: Transaktion primär online, Inspiration eher offline. Schnell und nachhaltig: … Händler, die beide Ansprüche unter einen Hut bekommen, verschaffen sich einen klaren Wettbewerbsvorteil“ (p. 84).

Sustainable retail (German version above): Going shopping is dead – How to Restore Meaning and Fun in Retail by Gianluca Scheidegger, Johannes Bauer and Jan Bieser as of Dec. 4th, 2023 (#17): “Time is being reallocated: what’s not fun or meaningful will be crossed off the schedule … Sustainable consumption is gaining in importance Overconsumption has a massive impact on the environment. … Fully informed: AI facilitates consumers’ searches for products … In aligment: personal values becoming decisive in choosing products and retailers Purpose-driven consumers are the largest customer group worldwide. This trend is rising. These customers only buy from companies that share their values. Consumers will expect more from companies in the future. Retailers must take a stand on social problems and actively contribute to solving them. The good news is that people trust companies to do this. Each channel has its role: transactions primarily online, inspiration mostly offline … Fast and sustainable: delivery under greater scrutiny … The fastest form of delivery is often not the most sustainable. Retailers who can reconcile both requirements gain a clear competitive advantage“ (p. 84).

Lab meat: Good conscience from the lab? The State of Acceptance for Cultivated Meat by Christine Schäfer, Petra Tipaldi and Johannes C. Bauer as of Jan. 8th, 2024 (#12; German version: Gutes Gewissen aus dem Labor? So steht es um die Akzeptanz von kultiviertem Fleisch by Christine Schäfer, Petra Tipaldi, Johannes Bauer :: SSRN, #26): “Lab-grown meat instead of beef fillet, cell-cultured patties instead of burgers – for many Swiss people this sounds far from appetising. A mere 20% would even try cultivated meat, whilst 15% remain undecided. … The Swiss population is also sceptical about other kinds of novel foods, such as insects or coffee made from mushrooms. There are, however, customer groups who may be more inclined to tuck into a steaming plate of crispy lab-grown schnitzel: They are young, male, educated, mainly live in the city, already have experience with a particular diet, such as vegetarian or low carb, and know a lot about sustainable food. … Lab-grown meat is one such example of a novel food. It is cultivated from stem cells in a bioreactor and has many advantages, namely that factory farming and the use of antibiotics are all but eliminated, less space and water is needed for production, no rainforests need to be cut down to cultivate animal feed and the combination of nutrients in the meat can be adapted to specific target groups. But there are risks …. the production facilities needed eat up enormous amounts of energy … Lab-grown meat is still hard to find on the market. Customers can only taste chicken derived from cellular agriculture in a few restaurants in Singapore and the USA at the moment. As yet, it has not been approved anywhere in Europe“ (p. 2). My comment: I am skeptical about the ecological footprint and market potential of lab meat compared to plant-based meat alternatives.

Sustainable women: Sustainable leadership among financial managers in Spain: a gender issue by Elena Bulmer, Iván Zamarrón, and Benito Yáñez-Araque as of Dec. 29th, 2023 (#13): “A total of 131 senior financial managers (106 men and 25 women), from various sectors in Spanish companies (a multi-sector study), responded to two scales: the Honeybee Sustainable Leadership Scale (focusing on stakeholder orientation and a vision of social and shared leadership) and the Locust Leadership Scale (primarily centered on achieving short-term profits at any cost). … The main finding was that female financial managers scored significantly higher on the Honeybee Leadership Scale compared to their male counterparts, signifying that female presence is key to sustainable leadership” (abstract).

Deglobalization effect? The consequences of a trade collapse: Economics and politics in Weimar Germany by Björn Brey and Giovanni Facchini as of Jan. 17th, 2024 (#18): “What are the political consequences of de-globalization? We address this question in the context of Weimar Germany, which experienced a 67% decline in exports between 1928-1932. During this period, the Nazi party vote share increased from 3% to 37%. … we show that this surge was not driven by the direct effects of the export decline in manufacturing areas. At the same time, trade shock-induced declines in food prices spread economic hardship to rural hinterlands. We document that this indirect effect and the pro-agriculture policies put forward by the Nazis are instead key to explain their electoral success” (abstract).

Responsible investment research (in. ESG bluff?)

SDG research: Finance Research and the UN Sustainable Development Goals – an analysis and forward look by Yang Sua, Brian M. Lucey, and Ashish Kumar Jha as of Feb. 13th, 2024 (#183): “This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and scholarly output in financial journals from 2010 to 2022. … The findings demonstrate a focus within finance research on Economic Growth (Goal 8) and Peace and Justice (Goal 16), while also identifying areas that warrant further scholarly attention” (abstract). My comment: For mutual funds it seems to be easiest to focus on SDGs 3 (Health), 7 (Energy) and 9 (Industry/Infrastructure). That is my experience with a bottom-up stock selection approach, see “Nachhaltigkeitsreport”.

ESG bluff? Sustainable in Name Only? Does Bluffing or Impact Explain Success in a Moral Market? by Kevin Chuah and Witold Henisz as of Feb. 13th, 2024 (#16): “… US-domiciled equity-focused investment funds that are labeled as focusing on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Although we find that product success in terms of investment inflows is more likely for funds with better ESG performance, the draw of larger fund operators and of superior financial returns remains substantial. We further segment our sample, finding that segments offering lower levels of ESG engagement achieve inflows that are unrelated to ESG performance, yet are a substantial part of the overall market. This suggests that bluffing by large product providers may undermine genuine attempts at social impact in moral markets“ (abstract). My comment: It certainly seems to help to grow fund assets to have huge marketing power and good returns, recently often based on high allocations to the glorious 7 which I do not consider to be very sustainable, see Glorreiche 7: Sind sie unsozial? – Responsible Investment Research Blog (

Green disadvantage? Carbon Risk Pricing or Climate Catering? The Impact of Morningstar’s Low Carbon Designation on Fund Performance by K. Stephen Haggard, Jeffrey S. Jones , H. Douglas Witte, and C. Edward Chang as of Jan. 18th, 2024 (#21): “Our results show insignificant performance differences between Low Carbon Designated (LCD) funds and non-LCD funds for the most recent (three-year) period. For longer periods of five and ten years, we observe excess performance only for the Sharpe and Sortino ratios, but not for Total Return or the Treynor ratio. … our results are consistent with a catering hypothesis of climate investing. Initially, investors seeking low-carbon investments bid up the prices of low-carbon stocks. Firms respond by seeking Low Carbon Designations, whether through real efforts or greenwashing. Once enough low-carbon stocks are available to meet the demand of the lowcarbon clientele, the premium associated with low carbon disappears“ (p. 17). My comment: If low LCD funds have similar performance as high carbon funds, why invest in the latter?

Green disadvantage? Doing Good and Doing Well: The Relationships between ESG and Stock Returns of REITs by Neo Jing Rui Dominic and Sing Tien Foo as of Jan. 29th, 2024 (#31): “Using a sample of 413 REITs from both the US and other developed countries covering the period from 2018 to 2022 …We find that REITs with an ESG rating have a lower price return of 0.8% relative to REITs not assessed for ESG. … The results show that the total returns of the ESG-rated REITs were even lower when the climate change risks increased, or more specifically, when investors became more salient about climate change news, they increased their preference for ESG-rated REITs, thus reducing the total return of REITs. … we find that higher compliance and operation costs for REITs with strong ESG agendas, which may come in the form of higher compensation for the Board and Senior Management, who take on more ESG responsibilities, may have a negative impact on the ESG-rated REIT stock performance“ (p. 19/20). My comment: The higher compensation for REIT Boards and Senior Management with the associated higher pay gap compared to median employee should be explored further. With my shareholder engagement strategy I try to alert regarding this issue, see Shareholder engagement: 21 science based theses and an action plan – (

Retail anti-governance? Retail Investors and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Zero-Commission Trading by Dhruv Aggarwal, Albert H. Choi, and Yoon-Ho Alex Lee as of Feb. 9th, 2024 (#102): “We examine the effects of the sudden abolition of trading commissions by major online brokerages in 2019, which lowered stock market entry costs for retail investors, on corporate governance. … Firms with positive abnormal returns in response to commission-free trading subsequently saw a decrease in institutional ownership, a decrease in shareholder voting, and a deterioration in environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) metrics. Finally, these firms were more likely to adopt bylaw amendments to reduce the percentage of shares needed for a quorum at shareholder meetings” (abstract).

Other investment research (in: ESG bluff)

Few good bond factors: The Corporate Bond Factor Zoo by Alexander Dickerson, Christian Julliard, and Philippe Mueller as of Nov. 14th, 2023 (#1299): “We find that the majority of tradable factors designed to price corporate bonds are unlikely sources of priced risk, and that only one factor, capturing the post-earnings an-nouncement drift in corporate bonds, which has not been utilized in prior asset pricing models, should be included in any stochastic discount factor (SDF) with very high probability. Furthermore, we find that nontradable factors capturing inflation volatility risk … and the term structure yield spread … as well as the return on a broad based bond market index, are likely components of the SDF” (p. 37/38).


Advert for German investors:

Sponsor my research by investing in and/or recommending my global smallcap mutual fund (SFDR Art. 9). The fund focuses on social SDGs and uses separate E, S and G best-in-universe minimum ratings and broad shareholder engagement with currently 25 of 30 companiesFutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals R – DE000A2P37T6 – A2P37T or Noch eine Fondsboutique? – Responsible Investment Research Blog (

Diversification myths: Picture shows reduction of sustainability for more diversified portfolios

Diversification myths: Researchpost #159

Diversification myths: 14x new research on ESG and consumption, ESG data, ESG washing, ESG returns, climate risks, voting, divestments, diversification myths, anomalies, trend following, real estate and private equity (# shows number of full paper downloads as of Jan. 18th, 2024)

Social and ecological research

Low ESG-consumption effect: How Do Consumers Use Firm Disclosure? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment by Sinja Leonelli, Maximilian Muhn, Thomas Rauter, and Gurpal Sran as of Jan. 11th, 2024 (#79): “In a sample of more than 24,000 U.S. households, we first establish several stylized facts: (i) the average consumer has a moderate preference to purchase from ESG-responsible firms; (ii) consumers typically have no preference for more or less profitable firms; (iii) consumers rarely consult ESG reports and virtually never use financial reports to inform their purchase decisions. … Consumers increase their purchase intent when exogenously presented with firm-disclosed positive signals about environmental, social, and—to a lesser extent—governance activities. Full ESG reports only have an impact on consumers who choose to view them, whereas financial reports and earnings information do not have an effect. After the experiment, consumers increase their actual product purchases, but these effects are small, short-lived, and only materialize for viewed ESG reports and positive social signals. … we provide explanations for why consumers (do not) change their shopping behavior after our information experiment“ (abstract).

ESG investment research (Diversification myths)

ESG data criticism: ESG Data Primer: Current Usage & Future Applications by Tifanny Hendratama, David C. Broadstock, and Johan Sulaeman as of Jan. 12th, 2024 (#66): “ESG data is important, and will become even more so as time progresses. … There remains a prevalent use of combined ESG scores instead of E, S and G specific pillar scores; The use of combined ESG, and pillar specific scores may themselves detract focus away from crucial underlying raw data; Empirical research depends heavily on a small number of ESG data providers; That some data providers focus more on the E than the S – creating a need for data users to make sure the scoring ethos of each provider aligns with their expectations and requirements; There is a potentially material quantity of ESG data inconsistencies which could result in unintended investment allocation” (p. iv). My comment: I use segregated E, S and G ratings since many years and best-in-universe instead of best-in-class ratings

Costly washing: ESG washing: when cheap talk is not cheap! by Najah Attig and Abdlmutaleb Boshanna as of Dec. 26th, 2023 (#63): “… we introduce an easily replicable ESG washing measure. We then document a robust negative impact of ESG washing on corporate financial performance … we show that the COVID-19 pandemic incentivized firms to engage in increased overselling of their ESG performance. Taken together, our new evidence suggests that ‚cheap talk is not cheap‘ and the misalignment between ‘ESG talk’ and ‘ESG walk’ not only fails to serve shareholders‘ best interests but may also undermine a firm’s social license to operate” (abstract).

Disclosure or performance? The relation between environmental performance and environmental disclosure: A critical review of the performance measures used by Thomas Thijssens as of Jan. 9th, 2024 (#8): “More extensive disclosures may even be a signal for inferior rather than superior performance in terms of actual environmental impact. This suggestion is fueled by the observations that more polluting industries have on average more extensive ED (Sö: Environmental disclosure) and higher environmental commitment is associated with higher GHG emissions“ (p. 18). My comment: Most other studies known to me show – in general – positive effects of more disclosure

Performance-neutral ESG: Drawing Up the Bill: Is ESG Related to Stock Returns Around the World? by Rómulo Alves, Philipp Krüger, and Mathijs van Dijk as of Jan. 13th, 2024 (#47): “… our analysis of a comprehensive global database (including 16,000+ stocks in 48 countries and seven different ESG rating providers over 2001-2020) uncovers very little evidence that ESG ratings are related to stock returns around the world. … thus it has been possible to “do good without doing poorly.” Our findings also suggest that the prices of strong ESG stocks have not consistently been driven up, and that, going forward, ESG investors could potentially still benefit from any demand effects resulting in the pricing of ESG preferences. On the flip side, our analysis implies that ESG investing has so far not been effective in reducing (increasing) the cost of equity capital of strong (poor) ESG firms, which could lead firms to internalize climate and social externalities (Fama 2021, Pástor et al. 2021)“ (p. 14). My comment: I could not agree more for the small and midcap companies on which I focus

Huge climate risks: How climate stress test may underestimate financial losses from physical climate risks by a factor of 2-3x by Jakob Thomä from 1 in 1000 and Theia Finance Labs as of Dec. 1st, 2023: “A high baseline climate risk (i.e. using a climate stress-test model with meaningful baseline GDP losses over the next 30 years) stress-test scenario can create a 10% shock to global equity markets. A combination of climate tipping points, ecosystem decline, and social risks can increase that number as a cumulative risk to 27%, almost 3x the baseline losses. A low baseline scenario of a 4% shock in turn turns into a 14% shock when considering these other factors. These losses are dramatic as they are secular and not cyclical. It is worth flagging that this event would be unprecedented in modern financial market history“ (p. 4). My comment: Thanks to Bernd Spendig for informing me about this study.

Climate risk aversion: Institutionelle Investor:innen und physische Klimarisiken vom Lehrstuhl für Sustainable Finance, Universität Kassel as of September Dec. 17th, 2023: “Approximately 40 percent of the surveyed institutions do not take physical climate risks into account when valuing corporate bonds. In addition, a majority of respondents who already take physical climate risks into account are unsure whether these risks are adequately taken into account. In this regard, Part II reveals that 80% of the surveyed institutional investors believe that physical climate risks are not adequately reflected in the risk premiums of corporate bonds” (abstract).

Impact investing research

Voting deficits: Voting matters 2023 by Abhijay Sood at al from Share Action as of Jan. 11th, 2024: “In 2023, only 3% of assessed resolutions passed, just eight out of 257 resolutions. This is down from 21% of assessed resolutions in 2021 … In 2023, the ‘big four’ (BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity Investments, and State Street Global Advisors) only supported – on average – one eighth of those put forward, a marked drop since 2021 … Eight asset managers with public net zero targets supported fewer than half of all climate resolutions … Three quarters of all shareholder proposals covered in our study asked only for greater corporate disclosure, including those which some asset managers have deemed overly “prescriptive”. The other quarter of resolutions ask for movement in line with globally agreed climate goals or international human rights standards. … Resolutions at financial services companies on fossil fuel financing received the lowest support by asset managers of any climate-related topic” (p. 8-10). My comment: I focus more on direct dialogue (engagement) than voting, see Shareholder engagement: 21 science based theses and an action plan – (

Divestment myths: Beyond Divestment by David Whyte as of Jan. 16th, 2024 (#11): “The top 20 shareholders in both BP and Shell have increased their total number of shares by three quarters of a billion in BP, and half a billion in Shell since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015. Indeed, although 47% of BP shareholders and 54% of Shell shareholders have reduced their stake, net share ownership overall has risen significantly in both companies. … more than a quarter of the 20 investors who made the most significant reductions in shareholdings in either BP or Shell increased their overall fossil fuel investment. … only 60 institutional investors have sold all of their shares in the two oil firms. This represents 3% of BP and 4% of Shell shareholders“ (abstract).

Other investment research (Diversification myths)

Diversification myths: Diversification Is Not A Free Lunch by Dirk G. Baur as of Jan. 3rd, 2024 (#56): “We … demonstrate that diversification generally comes at a cost through lower returns and is thus not a free lunch. While the risk of diversified portfolios is clearly lower than that of less diversified or undiversified portfolios, the return is generally also lower. There is only one exception. If the investor is ignorant and picks stocks randomly, diversification is a free lunch. … if diversification is a free lunch, it would violate the fundamental positive risk – return relationship in finance. Specifically, if risk can be reduced without a cost, risk and return are not positively aligned” (p.15). My comment: Even for randomly picked stocks the marginal gains of diversification are very low (see p. 11) whereas the reductions in sustainability – which are not covered in this paper – can be high, see 30 stocks, if responsible, are all I need – Responsible Investment Research Blog (

Normal anomalies: Anomalies Never Disappeared: The Case of Stubborn Retail Investors by Xi Dong and Cathy Yang as of Dec. 29th, 2023 (#56): “Our examination of 260 anomalies challenges the prevailing notion that market efficiency erodes anomaly-based profits, these anomalies continue to thrive, especially over longer timeframes. We demonstrate that retail investors play a pivotal role in the persistence of these anomalies. Their stubborn trading patterns, especially against anomalies, not only contribute to initial mispricing but also lead to delayed price corrections“ (p. 37).

Trend following theory: Speculating on Higher Order Beliefs by Paul Schmidt-Engelbertz and Kaushik Vasudevan as of Aug.3rd, 2023 (#187): “We study investors’ higher order beliefs, using survey data from the Robert Shiller Investor Confidence surveys. While previous work has documented instances of non-fundamental speculation – investors taking positions in a risky asset in a direction that conflicts with their fundamental views – we find that such speculation is the norm for the U.S. stock market. The majority of investors in the Shiller surveys, who represent an important class of investors, report that other investors have mistaken beliefs, but nevertheless report positive return expectations from speculating in the direction of these mistaken beliefs. In addition, investors report that they believe that stock markets overreact and exhibit momentum and reversal in response to news. … We find that higher order beliefs may substantially amplify stock market fluctuations. When investors exhibit the same fundamental belief biases that they attribute to other investors, patterns such as overreaction, momentum, and reversal can persist in equilibrium, even though everybody knows about them“ (p. 37/38). My comment: I use simple trend following strategies to reduce drawdown-risks for investors who do not like bond investments but not to try to enhance returns

US Real Estate: A First Look at the Historical Performance of the New NAV REITs by Spencer J. Couts and Andrei S. Goncalves as of Jan.12th, 2024 (#31): “…we study the historical investment performance of NAV REITs relative to public bonds, public equities, and public REITs from 2016 to 2023. … First, the smoothness of NAV REIT returns due to lagged price reactions creates an important challenge to the measurement of the alphas of NAV REIT investments relative to public market indices. Moreover, return unsmoothing methods significantly mitigate (but do not fully solve) this issue. Second, traditional performance analysis indicates that NAV REIT investments generated substantial alpha (above 5% per year) relative to public indices over our sample period“ (p. 26).

PE calculation-uncertainties: Unpacking Private Equity Performance by Gregory Brown and William Volckmann as of Dec. 20th., 2023 (#31): “… complicating the analysis are the increasingly common practices of funds using subscription lines of credit (fund-level debt) and recycling capital. Even the variation in the timing of capital deployment across funds has important implications for common performance measures used to evaluate funds such as internal rate of return (IRR) and multiple on invested capital (MOIC). …. values likely observed during fundraising periods for subsequent funds – are strongly affected by subscription lines and deployment pacing. Intermediate MOICs are only weakly affected by subscription lines, but strongly affected by capital deployment pacing. Both IRRs and MOICs are strongly affected by recycle deal accounting methodology“ (abstract). “When a fund utilizes subscription lines, net IRR is very sensitive over the life cycle of the fund and can massively exaggerate performance during the investment/fundraising period. Net MOIC can also be exaggerated early in the investment period …” (p. 17).


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SDG rating confusion illustration with picture from GoranH from pixabay

SDG rating confusion: Researchpost #152

SDG rating confusion: 13x new research on emissions, life expectancy, green bonds, physical risks and transition, environmental information, private equity ESG, SDG ratings, bond and equity factors, fraud, health-wealth relations, LLM financial analysts (# shows the number of full paper SSRN downloads as of Nov. 16th, 2023)

Ecological and social research (SDG rating confusion)

Too hot: The State of Climate Action: Major Course Correction Needed from +1.5% to −7% Annual Emissions by the World Economic Forum and The Boston Consulting Group as of November 2023: “As 1.5°C is slipping out of reach, achieving it now calls for a 7% annual emissions reduction, more than the climate reduction impact from COVID-19 and against the current trend of a 1.5% annual increase. … Only 35% of emissions are covered by a national net-zero commitment by 2050, and only 7% by countries that complement bold targets with ambitious policies. Fewer than 20% of the world’s top 1,000 companies have set 1.5°C science-based targets, and, based on the Net Zero Tracker, fewer than 10% also have comprehensive public transition plans. Technologies that are economically attractive now or will be in the near future can only achieve just over half of the emissions reductions needed to reach 1.5°C. … More than half of climate funding needs are still unmet, with critical gaps in early technologies and infrastructure particularly acute, and the climate funding gap twice as large in developing economies as in developed ones” (p. 4).

Longer lifes: The Long-run Effect of Air Pollution on Survival by Tatyana Deryugina and Julian Reif as of Nov. 13th, 2023 (#8): “We show that the short-run mortality effects of acute SO2 exposure can be decomposed into two distinct phenomena: mortality displacement, where exposure kills frail individuals with short counterfactual life expectancies, and accelerated aging, where mortality continues to increase after exposure has ceased. … we calculate that a permanent, ten percent decrease in air pollution exposure would improve life expectancy by 1.2–1.3 years … our estimates imply that value of reducing pollution exposure may be substantially larger than has previously been recognized“ (p. 37).

Responsible investing research (SDG rating confusion)

Green bond limits: Decoding Corporate Green Bonds: What Issuers Do With the Money and Their Real Impact by Yufeng Mao as of Nov. 8th, 2023 (#157): “This paper reveals a distinct motivation for issuing green bonds compared to conventional bonds. Proceeds from green bonds remain as cash for longer periods, largely owing to the time required to identify eligible projects. Contrary to the notion of fungibility, my results indicate that they neither lead to more new investments than conventional bonds nor are used in apparent green-washing. … firms issuing green bonds show improved environmental performance, particularly in the reduction of GHG intensity. However, this improvement appears not to stem from incremental green investments facilitated by green bonds but rather from issuers that would have pursued green initiatives regardless” (p. 44).

Physical risk costs: The cost of maladapted capital: Stock returns, physical climate risk and adaptation by Chiara Colesanti Senni and Skand Goel as of July 23rd, 2023 (#48): “Using S&P Global Sustainable data on Physical Risk and measures of adaptability to physical risk from S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, we find evidence that higher physical risk is associated with higher expected returns. However, this risk premium diminishes with increased adaptability, signifying that risk management through adaptation reduces a company’s cost of capital. Notably, this adaptability-driven risk discount is more pronounced for high levels of physical risk, reflecting market incentives for efficient adaptation” (abstract).

Carbon-free distance: Carbon-Transition Risk and Net-Zero Portfolios by Gino Cenedese, Shangqi Han, and Marcin Kacperczyk as of Oct. 5th, 2023 (#493): “…. using a novel measure of distance-to-exit (DT E) … we show that companies that are more exposed to exit from net-zero portfolios have lower values and require higher returns from investors holding them. This result is economically large and is consistent with the view that DT E are useful measures of transition risk. Notably, we show that DT E capture distinct variation to that captured by previously used measures based on corporate carbon emissions. Distinct from these, they capture information that is forward-looking and is grounded in climate science“ (p. 29)

Attention, outsiders: Do Insiders Profit from Public Environmental Information? Evidence from Insider Trading by Sadok El Ghoul, Zhengwei Fu, Omrane Guedhami, and Yongwon Kim as of Oct. 19th, 2023 (#26): “We provide evidence that insiders sell their stocks profitably based on publicly available information on environmental costs. Further analysis indicates that these results become more pronounced when the search frequency for environmental information in Google is low, in countries governed by left-leaning governments, and in countries where investor protection is weak. These results … suggest that investor inattention and investor protection are key drivers of insider trading performance“ (abstract).

PE ESG boost: ESG Footprints in Private Equity Portfolios: Unpacking Management Instruments and Financial Performance by Noah Bani-Harounia, Ulrich Hommel, and Falko Paetzold as of Nr. 8th, 2023 (#13): “Based on data covering 206 buyout funds for the time period 2010-2022, … Improving fund-level ESG footprints by 50% explains a statistically and economically significant net IRR increase of up to 12.4% over a fund’s life cycle. The outcome is linked to specific ESG-management instruments of private equity investors, such as centralised ESG management and ESG value enhancement plans, while no significant effect is recorded for other measures, such as ESG reporting frequencies and ESG impact controlling” (abstract).

SDG rating confusion: “In partnership for the goals”? The (dis)agreement of SDG ratings by Tobias Bauckloh, Juris Dobrick, André Höck, Sebastian Utz, and Marcus Wagner as of May 31st, 2023 (#59): „This paper analyzes the (dis)agreement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ratings across different rating providers and implications for portfolio management. It documents a considerable level of disagreement that is particularly high for large companies and for companies from the Healthcare and the Basic Materials sector. In general, the sector in which the companies are mainly active explains a large part of the variation in disagreement measures of the SDG ratings. Moreover, we document different return characteristics and risk factor exposures of portfolios sorted according to SDG ratings of different rating providers” (abstract). My comment: I expect SDG-Risk-Ratings to have little additional value to ESG-Ratings. I prefer to use SDG-related revenues or Capex in addition to ESG-Ratings to avoid SDG rating confusion (see e.g. Divestments: 49 bei 30 Aktien meines Artikel 9 Fonds – Responsible Investment Research Blog (

Other investment research

Equity factors: Factor Zoo (.zip) by Alexander Swade, Matthias X. Hanauer, Harald Lohre and David Blitz from Robeco as of Nov. 15th, 2023 (#2546): “Using a comprehensive set of 153 U.S. equity factors, we find that a set of 10 to 20 factors spans the entire factor zoo, depending on the selected statistical significance level. This implies that most candidate factors are redundant but also that academic factor models, which typically contain just three to six factors, are too narrowly defined. When repeating the factor selection to factors as they become available over an expanding window, we find that newly published factors sometimes supersede older factor definitions, emphasizing the relevance of continuous factor innovation based on new insights or newly available data. However, the identified factor style clusters are quite persistent, emphasizing the relevance of diversification across factor styles” (p. 20/21). My comment: Without good (almost impossible) forecasts which factors will outperform, outperforming factor investing is difficult.

Bond factors: Corporate Bond Factors: Replication Failures and a New Framework by Jens Dick-Nielsen, Peter Feldhütter, Lasse Heje Pedersen, and Christian Stolborg as of Oct. 26th, 2023 (#1257): “Many corporate bond factors cannot be reproduced even when attempting to use the methodology of the corresponding paper. More broadly, even factors that can be reproduced should be questioned, since the corporate bond literature is based on data full of errors. … we show that the majority of corporate bond factors from the literature fail to replicate, but a minority of factors remain significant. Further, analyzing corporate bond factors based on equity signals, we find a number of significant new factors“ (p. 27/28). My comment: Same as above: Without good (almost impossible) forecasts which factors will outperform, outperforming factor investing is difficult.

Big fraud? How pervasive is corporate fraud? by Alexander Dyck, Adair Morse, and Luigi Zingales as of Oct. 2nd, 2023 (#120): “… we use the natural experiment provided by the sudden demise of a major auditing firm, Arthur Andersen, to infer the fraction of corporate fraud that goes undetected. This detection likelihood is essential to quantify the pervasiveness of corporate fraud in the United States and to assess the costs that this fraud imposes on investors. We find that two out of three corporate frauds go undetected, implying that, pre Sox, 41% of large public firms were misreporting their financial accounts in a material way and 10% of the firms were committing securities fraud, imposing an annual cost of $254 billion on investors“ (p. 31). My comment: It would be interesting to see the relationship between governance-ratings and fraud.

Health-Wealth-Gap: Health Heterogeneity, Portfolio Choice and Wealth Inequality by Juergen Jung and Chung Tran as of Oct. 18th, 2023 (#28): “… the early exposure to health shocks has strong and long-lasting impacts on the portfolio choice of households and the observed wealth gap among households at retirement age. … as sicker individuals often forgo investing in risky assets that pay higher returns in the long-run. This health-wealth portfolio channel amplifies wealth concentration across groups and over the lifecycle. … In the absence of the health-wealth portfolio channel, the observed wealth gap at retirement is 40–50 percent smaller. In addition, we provide new insights into the social benefit of health insurance. The expansion of public or private health insurance in the US can reduce wealth inequality via mitigating exposure to health expenditure shocks and thereby allow households to make riskier investment choices with higher long-term returns” (p. 27/28).

LLM financial analysts: Large Language Models and Financial Market Sentiment by Shaun A. Bond, Hayden Klok, and Min Zhu as of Oct. 23rd, 2023 (#257): “… we use ChatGPT and BARD to recall daily news summaries related to the S&P 500 Index, classify sentiments from these texts, and use these sentiments to forecast future index returns. … we demonstrate ChatGPT and BARD can recall and classify summary market-level financial text from the perspective of a financial analyst. … we show these sentiments proxy for aggregate investor sentiment and forecast future return reversals of the S&P 500 Index … we provide evidence that incorporating ChatGPT-derived sentiments leads to superior economic performance compared to portfolios that incorporate sentiments from BARD, simpler transformer models, and traditional dictionary approaches. LLMs have superior potential to process contextual information around specific topics or themes beyond that of simpler transformer models and context-indifferent word frequency methods. This greater context awareness leads to better identification of aggregate market sentiment, and superior short-term economic performance when taken into account. Further, results suggest LLMs can identify different aspects of sentiment from text, such as information on different frequencies, and the presence of persistent effects“ (p. 45). My comment see AI: Wie können nachhaltige AnlegerInnen profitieren? – Responsible Investment Research Blog ( or How can sustainable investors benefit from artificial intelligence? – GITEX Impact – Leading ESG Event 2023


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Sponsor my research by investing in and/or recommending my global small/midcap mutual fund (SFDR Art. 9). The fund focuses on social SDGs and uses separate E, S and G best-in-universe minimum ratings and broad shareholder engagement with currently 24 of 30 companiesFutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals R – DE000A2P37T6 – A2P37T or Noch eine Fondsboutique? – Responsible Investment Research Blog (