Green pills: >10 new research studies on CEO pay, climate scenarios and reporting, green and black bonds, big asset managers, green pills and responsible investing barriers, fund ratings, tail risks, hedge funds and fintech
Advert: Check my article 9 SFDR fund FutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals: With my most responsible stock selection approach I focus on social SDGs and midcaps and use best-in-universe as well as separate E, S and G minimum ratings, see ESG plus SDG-Alignment mit guter Performance: FutureVest ESG SDG – Responsible Investment Research Blog (
Ecological and social research
Misleading climate scenarios? Institutional decarbonization scenarios evaluated against the Paris Agreement 1.5 °C goal by Robert J. Brecha et al as of August 16th, 2022: “… we … evaluate Paris Agreement compatibility of influential institutional emission scenarios from the grey literature, including those from Shell, BP, and the International Energy Agency. … Of the scenarios assessed, we find that only the IEA Net Zero 2050 scenario is aligned with the criteria for Paris Agreement consistency employed here”.
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