Investors drive ESG: >10x new research on climate spillovers, plastic, supply chains, bribes, gender, credit, ESG, behavioral finance, hedge funds, art investments and Bitcoin by Luc Renneboog, Planet Tracker et al.
Ecological and social topics
Costly climate spillovers: Stress Testing the Global Economy to Climate Change-Related Shocks in Large and Interconnected Economies by Yeu Jin Jung, Camilo E. Tovar, Yiqun Wu, and Tianxiao Zheng as of October 4th, 2022 (#3): “Our simulations show that an extreme climate change-related shock in large and interconnected economies could have a systemic economic and financial impact on the global economy. … global losses as measured by the decline in global aggregate international reserve could reach $ 1.8 trillion. … these losses would be equivalent to nearly four times the size of the bailout packages for Greece, Portugal, and Ireland during European debt crisis. … ensuring an adequate use of domestic macroeconomic policies and support from the global financial safety net … can reduce the global reserve losses due to the climate change-related shock, by more than a half, to about $ 800 billion” (p. 21/22).
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