English RI research topics: China, CO2 capture, climate policy, women, central banks and tools, soy, SFDR, AI, factor investing and herding, venture capital and impact, green bonds, real estate, active funds and ETFs, model portfolios and robo advisors etc.
After more than seven years and 250 blog contributions, I plan to (mostly) publish in English. The reason: I wish that the sustainability and responsible investing research evidence which I collect here is read by as many clever people and especially multiplicators as possible. Please help me in further distributing the research.
Advert: Check my article 9 SFDR fund FutureVest Equity Sustainable Development Goals. It focusses on social SDGs and midcaps and uses a best-in-universe approach as well as separate E, S and G minimum ratings.
Continue on page 2 (# indicates the number of SSRN downloads on April 9):