Impactfunds illustration by Dmitriy from Pixabay

Impactfunds: Researchpost 183

Impactfunds illustration by Dmitriy from Pixabay

Impactfunds: 4x new research on right-wing policies, gender pay gap, AI and nature-reporting and channels of impactfunds (#shows SSRN full document downloads as of July 4th, 2024)

Unhappy rightists: Support for a right-wing populist party and subjective well-being: Experimental and survey evidence from Germany by Maja Adena and Steffen Huck as of June 26th, 2024: “… we establish a causal link revealing that individuals who are new or marginal supporters of the AfD exhibit deterioration in well-being … In addition, we establish a strong correlation between negative perceptions of personal and financial well-being and support for the German right-wing populist party AfD” (“Conclusion”).

Gender pay issues: One Cohort at a Time: A New Perspective on the Declining Gender Pay Gap by Jaime Arellano-Bover, Nicola Bianchi, Salvatore Lattanzio, and Matteo Paradisi as of May 2nd, 2024 (#263): “…we show that the entirety of the decline in the gender pay gap can be attributed to newer cohorts who entered the labor market with smaller gender differentials and to older cohorts who exited the labor market with larger differentials. … The data confirm that it was a significant decline in opportunities for younger men, rather than substantial gains for younger women, that drove the convergence in labor-market outcomes that occurred in the 1970s through the mid-1990s. After this point, the remaining gender gap at labor-market entry reflected mostly gender differences in educational choices, rather than differences in initial job allocations. Therefore, further increases in the number of older workers has continued to create bottlenecks to the careers of all younger workers, but not differentially between men and women” (p. 26/27).

Disclosure-deficits: Using AI to Assess the Decision-Usefulness of Corporates’ Nature-related Disclosures by Chiara Colesanti Senni, Saeid Ashraf Vaghefi, Tushar Manekar, Tobias Schimanski, and Markus Leippold as of June 10th, 2024 (#158): “Nature-related disclosures by companies are insufficient. As long as they remain voluntary, this situation is unlikely to improve, even under well-intentioned initiatives like the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). … our sentiment analysis reveals that corporate disclosures predominantly report positive C2N (Sö: company-to-nature) impact. … we find that current CSR disclosures, although aligned with the TNFD, are not sufficiently decision-useful for stakeholders and lack legal enforceability” (abstract). My comment: That is why I try to engage companies to improve disclosures, see Shareholder engagement: 21 science based theses and an action plan – ( For the German version see “Nachhaltigkeitsinvestmentpolitik” at

Impactfunds: The Impact of Sustainable Investment Funds – Impact Channels, Status Quo of Literature, and Practical Applications by Marco Wilkens, Stefan Jacob, Martin Rohleder, and Jonas Zink as of June 28th, 2024 (#1223): “… investment funds can, in principle, achieve impact through three impact channels which we systematize in an impact framework: engagement, portfolio allocation, and further effects. In a next step, the article provides an overview of the current status quo of research on impact investment. … Empirically, there are at least initial indications that an impact has already been achieved via engagement and portfolio allocation. However, there are also legitimate concerns that neither of the two impact channels will have the desired positive and material impact. There is therefore a growing need of information in this area, which could be met, for example, via impact grids for sustainable investment funds” (p. 23). My comment: Good research summary, ideas and concept. For my impactfund approach see My fund – Responsible Investment Research Blog (


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